Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, February 17, 2025
Come, My Children, You Are Well Informed Now. Know That I Only Accept Holy Communions
Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ to Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation in Brittany, France on February 16, 2025
References: Bible, Job 3, 6-12
Job in his distress then saw a struggle and cursed the day of his birth. Behold, he shares his revolt to express what is unbearable to him :
3.6 This night! let darkness prey upon it,
Let it vanish from the year,
May it no longer be counted among the months!
3,7 May this night become barren,
Let gladness be banished from it!
3,8 May it be cursed by those who curse the days
By those who know how to excite Leviathan! (devil)
3,9 Let the stars of his twilight darken,
May she wait in vain for the Light,
And may she not see the eyelids of dawn!
I'll stop where it's enough to recognize the similarity of what the last times inspire in us. Many, without God, risk experiencing such despair and anger in the face of the unbearable and insurmountable. Following Christ keeps us in Joy and the courage to take the last steps of liberation from evil.
Word of Jesus Christ:
"I bless you from the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, My tender beloved daughter of Love, Light and Holiness."
My dear captive children in this increasingly darkened world, to your eyes, to your ears, in your daily life imposes hell, well installed on earth and all around you. Most of you, all of you gentle and simple, are shocked to learn all that is revealed about the direction humanity has taken in this world. What an appalling and morbid mess; what a shame to have reached this point; what an insult to God who is and wants you all with Him; what suffering for you who keep hope and fear for yours and for the innocents who suffer or follow ¨the strongest, the most popular¨.
I hear your prayers in Faith, My little ones. I answer your supplications, trust. I'm coming to you, very soon. This horrible night will vanish, without God there is no future.
The heavenly armies of Saint Michael, Saint Raphael, Saint Gabriel, Saint Uriel, are already among you. None of God's children will fall victim to this final assault by evil and the devil
Despite the satanic organization, skillfully fomented for centuries, to destroy Creation and then dominate according to their laws, over transhumanized man, everything will collapse, annihilate itself as willed by the Almighty God of All Lives, who sets us free.
The antichrist stage proceeds, now, in front of you, in the lie, which tries to dazzle you and capture you in the trap that despises you by manipulating you. Their goal is to take the Throne of St. Peter, which for them symbolizes Victory over God
My children whom I love so much, don't be fooled by their strategy. Keep your eyes fixed only on Me, your Jesus, I AM The Only Almighty. Keep your heart and mind in Faith, Hope and Charity. Pray and read the Word that will be your support in Truth and the Way for your Unique, Individual and Eternal Life.
My children, have I not recommended that you support one another (fraternally) and prepare shelters and places of worship, protected to welcome My servants, many of whom will be bewildered in the persecution they suffer. When are you preparing these places of worship and refuge? Isn't it time to use them to gain access to pure masses worthy of God?
What are you doing in your ¨eternal discussions¨, your procrastinations, your competitions? The urgent need is for solidarity in the One Truth: God One and First Served. Know that God Three Times Holy calls you into His Love. Do you accept to be Love with Him?
Do you wear Love too? Where is it? How does He express Himself in these times of distress? I see you running around, making things and selling them, living suspended on social networks hoping to bolster your spirituality and help. But I see you accusing your brothers, rejecting them. I see you constantly arguing, constantly changing your minds. There's no stability, and confusion and resentment seep in, building nothing.
I see you arguing over the interpretation of My Word and continuing to denigrate My priests, My prophets and the prophecies that Mary Immaculate and I Jesus Christ give so that they may be heard in order to protect God's children, to solidly mark the road back to the Father so that none of His summoned children may be missed.
Yes, it is! I hear you praying and even soliciting, for some. I then say, "They have Faith!" but how too often superficial and conditional. My children, let yourselves be loved and learn to love. It is in humility, gentleness and goodness that we find each other
I love you and want to warn you in all that's going on, the enemy is clever. Don't be merchants of illusions, you risk being seduced by the antichrist's staging. He will speak of God as his best friend and gradually call himself the Son of God: Christ the Messiah. Everything about him is seduction, image and appearance against a backdrop of hatred. Beware, believe in God and offer Him your modest prayers which He appreciates in your humility.
Come, My children, you are well informed now. Know that I only accept holy communions. We must refrain from encouraging sacrilege, opprobrium toward God. No, it's not a sin, if you don't have access to true communion, to abstain from going to a false mass. Mass is for glorifying God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, not for insulting Him and sharing in union the Real Presence with one who opposes God.
You're living in the End Times where God and His children are persecuted, don't let this suffering of the Eucharist go on, God is Wisdom, love Him, He loves you. Are you ready? What advice from Heaven has been given to support and accompany you. Keep your soul in peace and make your decisions, let your YES be yes and your NO be no, Truth is unique and gives peace.
Accompanied by My Mother so strong and gentle to sustain you in these difficult times when She will triumph, I bless you, My children.
Jesus Christ"
Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation, some servant in the Divine Will of the Almighty, One God. "Read on"
Thank You, Lord, for allowing Your word to spread freely. The streams of grace flow unhindered from Your Holy mouth. Who are we to limit YOU, the almighty GOD?
Source: ➥