Messages from Diverse Sources


Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Saved by the Father: A Greeting to the People of the Whole World

Message from Our Lady of America to Ned Dougherty at St Rosalie’s Campus, Hampton Bays, NY, USA on February 28, 2025


I come to you today – to the People of the Whole World – to celebrate that the Father in Heaven has chosen to intervene at this time through His Son, Your Redeemer, Jesus Christ, in the affairs of mankind throughout the whole world!

So be it! Thanks be to God!

You may recall from My previous messages that the Father in Heaven inspired the earliest settlers in America to create a Constitution and a Bill of Rights that would become a shining example for the rest of the peoples of the world to govern themselves through practices and principles that were provided to humanity directly by the Father in Heaven who intended that this new nation in America would become a shining example for the rest of the people in the world.

So be it! Thanks be to God!

Yet, the United States of America – as it approached its 250th Anniversary – found itself foundering due to the influence of global elitists who had infiltrated themselves for decades in the affairs of this once great nation doing the work of the evil one through these minions of satan who are Marxists, communists, and socialists – hellbent on destroying the nationality and sovereignty of the United States of America.

Because the founding of this nation was inspired by the Father in Heaven, He has chosen through His Son, Jesus Christ, to right the ship of state and return this nation to the great founding principles that the Father ordained – the ‘Four Freedoms’ – Freedom of Speech, the Freedom of Worship, the Freedom from Want, and the Freedom from Fear.

So be it! Thanks be to God!

The ‘Signs of the Times’ have now become more evident to many Americans who have returned to openly professing their Christian faith following the last several years when a ‘Woke’ philosophy was crammed down upon America – a Marxist ‘Woke’ philosophy engineered by the global elitists who intended to censure and eradicate the Christian faith that had made America a great nation under the protection of Your Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

The ‘Signs of the Times’ and the mercy of God recently became most evident when His Divine Presence simply altered the path of a single bullet, followed by His Divine Inspiration to assure that recent elections were safe and secure, and that the people righteously elected leaders who assumed their offices at the will of the people – for the Father in Heaven has overwhelmingly influenced your recent affairs and your American leaders to assure that your Republic survives through the End Times and into the future years as a symbol of God’s love for His children around the world.

So be it! Thanks be to God!

The global elitist cults have had their way with God’s people for many generations in other countries and regions throughout the world. The Father in Heaven – through the example set by the United States of America – wants His children globally to thrive in free and sovereign nations, free of the bondage of the evil one who has been spending centuries implementing a ‘new world order’ of Marxism, socialism, and communism – "isms" that are the work of the evil one and his globalist minions – not of the Father in Heaven.

Let the prophecy go forth from this time and place that all the peoples of the world may also live in free and sovereign nations as the Father in Heaven has ordained. However, for the peoples of the world in various nations to achieve these freedoms, they must also recognize The Father’s Son, Jesus Christ, as their Lord and Saviour. As My son, Jesus Christ, has proclaimed: "I am the Way; the Truth; and the Life! No one comes to the Father, except through Me!"

So be it! Thanks be to God!

If the peoples of the Christian world forsake their historic monarchies and patriarchies in favor of a new form of Republic with a new Constitution and Bill of Rights encompassing the ‘Four Freedoms – freedom of speech, the freedom of worship, the freedom from want, and the freedom from fear – the peoples of the world will be pleasing the Father in Heaven for the Christian people will begin to live in free and sovereign nations as inspired by the Father in Heaven.

All of God’s children throughout the world must answer the Father’s Call at this time! This is the Final Battle! This is the last of the End Times!

So be it! Thanks be to God!

Source: ➥