Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Thursday, October 10, 1996
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

"On 10/10/96, the Virgin had asked my mother, during an apparition, that my father lead us to a place indicated by Her, where there was a fountain of water and that we pray the rosary at 3:00 pm, that afterwards She would tell us what She wanted. When we finished the rosary Our Lady appeared. She was very happy that day, she was dressed differently from the other times she appeared to me. She was wearing a white veil, a white dress, and a light lilac mantle embroidered with light colored roses that adorned it. She had her hands resting on her chest and she said to us,
"I am the Immaculate Conception!"
What struck me, was that in this apparition, Our Lady was not with her feet resting on a cloud as in the other apparitions and I did not understand why. Right after that She went on to say,
" I am the Virgin of Grace, the mother of God and mother of all humanity. My divine Son Jesus and Lord wishes to grant all my children throughout the world new heavenly graces and sends me, here in this place, to bless the water of this fountain."
It was at this moment, that Our Lady, slowly lowering herself down where she was suspended in the air landed her feet in the water of the fountain wetting them. Immediately afterwards She wet Her holy hands where the water gushes and tracing the sign of the cross three times with Her right hand She blessed the water of the fountain.
Looking at us maternally the Virgin said,
" Let all my children of the whole world know and take notice, that I, the Virgin Mary and mother of God, have bathed my holy and virginal feet, and wet my holy hands in the water of this fountain.
All those who drink of this water in faith and without mortal sin, making a firm purpose of conversion and amendment will receive the grace of healing for their bodily and spiritual infirmities. The water from the fountain, for those who have faith, will serve to heal all kinds of diseases.
This fountain is for all My sick children throughout the world. I wish to comfort them in their pains and in their sufferings. I have obtained this grace from my Son Jesus. Indeed, his Sacred Heart is rich in mercy and grace, being a fountain of living water for all my children throughout the world, so the fountain shall be known as the Fountain of
Mercy and Grace, for it is a grace from your Sacred Heart. Let them spruce up this place well. Some of the water should be reserved for drinking and some should be reserved for my sick children to bathe in. Let everyone be aware of my visit to this place.
I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!"
After transmitting this message Our Lady disappeared."