Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Thursday, April 13, 2006


That you are here is a great gift, a great grace. It also holds a responsibility for you, because many people cannot and do not want to believe anymore. Pray for them, atone for them and sacrifice all your suffering and difficulties for these souls, whom I want to save all and lead to My Heavenly Father.

These streams of grace will radiate to many people and they will be touched. They will be able to turn back, and therefore I ask you, go with me into the fight, into the last fight. I will protect you with all angels, guardian angels and archangels. You will never be alone, for your Heavenly Mother walks all paths with you.

The whole heaven is longing for these many people who are lost in this apostasy. Observe My Holy Sacrament of Penance very often. Make haste to my places of grace, for they contain the greatest graces. There my graces will flow in streams over men. I will pour them out in the last times, in this time of trouble and end times, because I want to save many souls that are ready to turn back.

I, your dearest Mother, will let great streams of grace flow into your hearts today. You are My children, My children of Mary and I love you with all my heart. I will protect and guard you. I will be your guide for the future.

The tribulation of My Son has begun and I am in the last battle with Satan. But think of my victory. Sacrifice, pray and atone for the whole world. This apostasy has spread all over the world, especially in Germany, Austria and also in Switzerland.

My children, do not be sad that this time must come today all over the world. As you know, many people, especially young people, go astray. Therefore pray especially for the young people. They no longer live in purity and I ask you to pray for this purity of the youth, because they are your future.

Your dearest mommy has given you many words to take with you. The tribulation is so great that the whole world cries out in distress. She has longing and they no longer consecrate themselves to My heart. This Immaculate Heart will prevail, because I am your Mother, your Heavenly Mother and your Queen and Victress.



