Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Thursday, March 22, 2007

Jesus speaks to the RTL television team through His tool Anne in Goeritz/Wigratzbad


Jesus blessed each one individually and welcomed you and he will now have words for you.

Thank you, dearest Jesus, for revealing yourself to us, that you have words of love for all of us, that you want to welcome us and I want to thank you for your love.

Jesus now says: My beloved children, I, Jesus Christ, now speak to you through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and child Anne. Yes, she speaks only My truth. It is My truths and My words that come out of her mouth. Everything corresponds to My truth. I want to emphasize this because so many people are in disbelief. This unbelief is increasing more and more and I, Jesus Christ, am very sad with My Heavenly Mother who cries not only tears but even tears of blood in many places. Since you, My children, want to receive this, My tears and this great event, that is why I have led you to this place. It was not you who wanted to come here from among yourselves, but I lead all people.

This is My holy place. In this place, this sacred sacral place, you have heard My words again and again through Me and through My beloved Heavenly Mother. She is My beloved Mother, My most beautiful, My dearest, whom I have given you out of exceedingly great love, who wants to be close to you, who cares for you and is with you and guards you like her dearest star.

She will protect you in the coming time. She will be with you when you call her. She is always ready for you to walk these paths of love with you. She will be allowed to radiate this Divine Love, My Love, into your hearts, yes, she will fill the smallest corner of your heart with this My Divine Love.

She will put your guardian angels by your side, who will guard you in the coming time, because very soon My beloved Mother, the Queen of Victory, not only the Mother of Victory, as she is called here in this place at My request, will also achieve the greatest victory of the whole world as My Queen. This victory will take place here in this place of prayer, My holy place. I will appear in great power and glory with My beloved mother in the firmament. Many people will then be able to turn back through this event.

My beloved children who are here, pray with Me, watch with Me, because the hour of My coming is near. You will all experience this time and you will all be prepared for my great events and coming. Be vigilant, for evil forces surround this place of prayer. Not everyone will believe. They will be hostile to this place, because now my words, my events and my truths will be announced all over the world.

My bishops will then hear My words. Until now no bishop in all of Germany is ready to accept My words. My messengers I send ahead because I am so grieved about these My priests. Let the bishops tell the priests that they accept My messengers and allow this to happen, to proclaim My words. How sad I am that I am hindered to send I, Jesus Christ, the great Godhead, My words into the world. Therefore I need other means now.

Watch, My children, yes, it shall be proclaimed in the whole world, not for sensationalism, but for the desire of divinity. Why, My children, do so many not turn back? Do you think that you cannot proclaim these words? Only when you have My power, when your power diminishes, then My Divine power comes into your heart.

You, My little one, will continue to fall down until the end of My time. I will again and again take away your power to let my power become effective. Do not look at your incompetence, at your weakness. I strengthen you and I will be with you and you.

And now I want to bless you in threefold power with all Heaven, with My Heavenly Mother, all angels and saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be loved, strengthened and blessed, yes, sent out for this coming time. I am with you with my love because love is the greatest. Live this love. Amen.

Thank you, dearest Jesus, for staying among us, for giving us your words of love. Thank the whole heaven. Amen.



