Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Thursday, August 23, 2007

Jesus Christ speaks at 9.30 am in Goeritz in the house church through Anne, while in the crypt in Wigratzbad the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass was read.


Jesus speaks now: I, Jesus Christ, speak now through My willing, obedient and humble instrument Anne. My little one is very exhausted by the many pains and tribulations through which I have led her since you have been in My place of prayer in Wigratzbad.

You have fulfilled everything completely, even if it has often gone beyond your limits. I thank you in the name of all heaven. He is the one who always protects you, strengthens you and rebuilds you when you succumb to your weaknesses. Do not be sad if many things do not come true according to your wishes. Be available and always ready to fulfill the will of the Heavenly Father.

Now you are already staying 6 weeks in My place of prayer and during this time abundant graces have flowed through you in My Church of Atonement and during the times of adoration in the Chapel of Grace, especially through My willing instruments Dorothea and Clementine who spent hours before My Blessed Sacrament. Tell them also my heavenly thanks for their perseverance.

Many things you have done for the community, even if you are not satisfied with yourself. It is never the perfection you can achieve. You used all your will and did things and works as it was in your power.

You have helped many people in great need. Especially you, My little one, in spite of your unbearable pain, have made the greatest effort not to show people how you really are. Tacitly you have accepted it when I have led you, your dearest Jesus, over the borders.

Continue to stay My little nothing and take care of the cleanliness and order of the many things you always want to do, because your energy is not exhausted. I have given you this talent. Use it over and over again. The household is always in perfect order and cleanliness prevails everywhere. As you know, I love this about you. I thank you for telling Me yesterday in My Blessed Sacrament of Penance everything that burdened you. I have forgiven you and I know your little restless heart that does not want to offend your Jesus.

I would also like to thank My beloved priest son, who in all holiness celebrated My Holy Sacrificial Masses and made the many blessings in My name. It is I who feeds the many people to you, because I give you the Holy Spirit in your sermons. It is not you yourself who is standing at the altar, but your Jesus, who is united with your heart and with whom you marry anew in every Holy Mass of Sacrifice. What a great mystery I have given you all. My mercy and my love are boundless if you continue to walk my straight path.

I would also like to thank my little Katharina for her availability for all the computer work. I will continue to support you when your human powers diminish and you feel you are losing your nerve. Do not be afraid, I am always near you.

I, Jesus Christ, now wish that you all go back to your home town of Göttingen on Thursday, August 30, and I also wish that you all take part in the Holy Mass of Sacrifice in Fulda on Sunday, September 2. Do not let this holiness escape you.

Very soon you will be allowed to dwell in My place of prayer again. Wait for my signs and dates because I will make all things known to you. Remain in the everlasting thanks in your hearts and in the inner unity and connectedness. I love you very much, yes boundlessly. Learn perseverance, patience and humility from your Heavenly Mother. Thank you, My children, for having answered My call.

Very soon I will let the soul show come over mankind. I want to have mercy on them, paired with my justice. You are protected, My beloved ones. If mankind does not repent, My Father will empty the bowl of wrath. Woe to the people who will experience this.

My priests, what have you done to Me where I have chosen you? Why do you not listen to My messenger, the Holy Father on earth, My deputy? Why do you still not listen to his instructions, which he received from me in the Holy Spirit? Why is your disobedience so great, and why do you not want to give up your position of power, which makes you unhappy and constantly promotes your pride?

Listen to My messengers who forget themselves and make themselves available for My truths with all their being. How much must I suffer for you sons of priests? Why do you not believe in the tears of My mother who cries for you?

Begin a new life in constant obedience and humility, remain faithful to your vocation. Finally lead a God-fearing life in harmony. Put an end to the sacrileges that you again commit at My altars and remove the popular altars and serve Me in the Most Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine Rite, as it is My will.

How much you insult My Vicar, who suffers so much from the Masonic machinations in the Vatican. He wants to be there for all of you and walks this stony path before you. Eagerly follow him and look at his availability. Learn from his perseverance and be in constant prayer and adoration of your Supreme Lord and Master. I love you all, My beloved and anointed ones. In Divine Love I want to bless you now with My Heavenly Mother, all the angels and all the saints, in the Trinity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.



