Messages from Diverse Sources


Saturday, September 23, 2023

Beloved, Each One, in This Great Time, Should Strive to Please God Much

Message Given by Our Lady for the Chosen Ones of the End Time to a Soul to Reach the Heart of Every Man


The Mother speaks to the chosen ones

Little children, we all have a great task in life: Jesus asks something of each one of us, but He does not ask without giving, as men often do; God gives much to those who must give much to others. Each one has the strengths proportionate to his task.

You know that nothing happens without God's permission; God also permits evil because He tries to draw from it good for souls; Human ways are very different from the Divine ones: they are based on profit, selfishness, lovelessness; the Divine ones are always inspired by Love, by the great and infinite Love of God for His creature.

The great*, those who in human eyes are the great, have all that is necessary to govern, to do well; to guide the people, to do well; they have it potentially, but they will possess it truly if they have God in their heart, if God dominates in their mind, if their will conforms to His.

There are two great forces from which men drink: that of Good or God, that of evil coming from the Evil One.

He who is great before man because he has authority and power, possesses many energies given by the Creator who wants each man to perform a different task.

Jesus told you what He saw in the rulers of the world today. What will happen to them if they do not change soon? Their ruin will be immediate, sudden, because the hidden is about to come to light and the intrigues hatched in the darkness will soon dominate everyone.

The proud will be humiliated, judged with such rigor; How much will miserable earthly glory have benefited them?

Beloved, each one, in this great time, should strive to please God much: this will be his true wealth; let it be known that only those who have the Sign of Christ on their foreheads will be saved: this is the Order that Christ will give to His angels!

My little one, blessed daughter, I love you all, I am the Mother of all men, I would like to lead every child to salvation, but I can do nothing for those who have lived in rebellion and disobedience...

Most Holy Mary

Source: ➥