Messages from Diverse Sources


Friday, December 6, 2024

The Hour of the Great Tribulation Has Come

Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on December 5, 2024


Great is My love for you.

My blessed daughter, I am with you always, everywhere, may the serenity you deserve be in you, do not be sad anymore, divulge to the world My imminent coming.

The sky will soon darken and despair will be in many hearts.

Beloved, your charity to Me is great, I am your Guardian, fear nothing, advance without scruples, man must understand that the only good is found in Him who created him.

I am a God of infinite Love, I want the salvation of My children, I want to take them with Me to the New Earth where they will enjoy all My Good.

My children, the world has distanced you from Me, the Devil has stolen you from Me by offering you the greatness of this world, but now everything will be lost, all light will be extinguished, your life will be in darkness if you do not convert.

The sun is about to send its fiery flames to Earth, pain and despair will be in this Humanity deprived of Me.

I want to save My children! The hour of the great tribulation has come, hasten to Me, do not be lost in lies, place in you the burning desire to return to Me, to Life!!!

Behold, the gates of Hell are opened, the fire of death will embrace those who have not kept themselves in Me.

The hour of Divine justice is upon this Humanity:...repent quickly, O man, do not let Satan steal your soul, return to your God Love.

My Mercy is about to end, the thunder of My Voice will echo through the Universe!!! Enough!!! Enough!!! I will punish the traitors, I will purify the Earth! This rebellious Humanity will return to Me!!!

Source: ➥
