Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Monday, September 13, 2010

Urgent Call of God the Father to Humanity.

I Am Who I Am, the Alpha and the Omega!


Children of good will, may the peace of God be with you.

I am he who am. The Alpha and the Omega. The vast majority of mankind no longer believe in my existence; they think that I am a myth, a legend, or worse, a ghost. Oh, how mistaken are those who think so. I tell you: I am the God of all times, Lord of Heaven and Earth; Creator of everything visible and invisible; King of Kings and Lord of Lords. One and only true God. Omnicient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent. The same yesterday, today and forever. I am a reality among you. I see all, sound all, and judge all, under the directives of my Supreme Wisdom.

I tell you mortals, children of Adam, that you are very mistaken who deny my existence. Do you think that God does not exist and that he will do you neither evil nor good? Very soon at my Warning I will manifest myself to men; then you will know that I am God. The God of Mercy, the Good Shepherd, who stayed with you in the silence of every Tabernacle, is about to depart; you children of Adam did not want to listen to Him.

You will know then the Just Judge, who comes to restore order and right. I make an urgent call to you who doubt my Existence and Divinity, come back to God or you will perish! I remind you of my words: All sins will be forgiven to men, except the sin of blasphemy against my Holy Spirit and my Divinity!

Divinity; this will be forgiven neither in heaven, nor on earth.

If you continue to think in this way, your souls will be lost; gather yourselves together and repent, you foolish ones, for the coming of your God and Savior is at hand. I am the God of Mercy, but I am also the God of Justice, who will not allow you to continue destroying my creation and breaking my precepts. I am more Father than Judge; but you have turned your backs on the God of Mercy; know then my justice which is upright and inexorable; which gives to each according to his works. Already the axe is at the root of the tree, and every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down, cut down and thrown into the fire. And there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then shall ye cry, Lord, Lord, come and save us; and I will say unto you, I know you not, ye doers of evil: go ye into everlasting fire. Go ye into everlasting fire: depart from Me.

I announce to you inhabitants of the earth, that my days are about to begin. Rejoice you who listen to my voice and put into practice my precepts, because very soon you will see your God and Lord in all his splendor.

Men of good will, people of God; make this message known to all nations.

I am your Father Creator. Lord of all times.

Source: ➥
