Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I Am Joseph the Foster Father of Jesus and the Faithful and Chaste Spouse of Mary


I am Joseph Adoptive Father of Jesus and faithful and chaste Husband of Mary. May the peace of God be with you, my adopted children.

Everyone who listens to and follows the doctrine of my adopted Son Jesus, is also my child. I call upon you my adopted children here on earth, to remain united to the One and Triune God. Ask for my intercession, that my Heavenly Father and my Son, never disregard my supplications in favor of my devotees.

When you feel my children attacked by the evil one, say: Saint Joseph, terror of the demons, come to my aid. And I will gladly drive away from you every force of evil. Do not fear; come to me, I am Joseph your adoptive Father and I want you to be my devotees; God has sent me to be your loving and effective protector in these last times. My adopted children; pray for the Church of my Son and for its Vicar; invoke me; God has granted me the grace to watch over the Church and to safeguard it from the attacks of the evil spirits and their agents. Little children, the grace of my humility destroys the pride of the evil one; ask me with faith, the gift of humility, and my Father through Me, will grant it to you.

I want to be your protector and help you to preserve your faith, from the heresies and false doctrines of the emissaries of evil. I ask you my adopted children to have confidence in God and ask for my valuable intercession, so necessary in these times of so much apostasy. Flock of my Jesus: I love you, and I also want to give you my protection, just as I gave it to the Child and to my Holy Spouse Mary. Let yourselves be guided by this loving Father, who most desires for all His children here on earth, is the salvation of your souls.

I give you my Flame of Humility, so that you may blind Satan and remain firm in the faith. Go ahead then my children: let nothing and no one separate you from the love of God.


(Spiritual Armor for these times).

Most Beloved Patriarch St. Joseph, humble foster Father of Jesus, and humble Spouse of the Virgin Mary; pour out upon mankind the rays of: The Flame of Humility from your Just and Chaste Heart, to blind the pride of Satan, that by its light we may recognize ourselves as very sinners, and that with your help we may be converted from the heart to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

I am your foster father, Joseph of Nazareth. Make known my message to all my children and devotees.

Source: ➥
