Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Urgent Call of Saint Miguel to the Pastors of the Church Who As God, Who As God, Who As God, Who As God. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Glory to God, Glory to God, Glory to God.

O Ministers of My Father, Fulfill Your Priestly Ministry As Jesus the High and Eternal Priest Taught You!


I am Michael, Archangel of the Kingdom of my Father. I make an urgent call to you shepherds of my Father's flock. Exercise your priestly ministry as Jesus, Eternal and High Priest, taught you. Do not depart from the teachings of the Gospel; take up again the prayer of the Liturgy of the Hours, which has led so many priests to holiness; practice justice and right with the flock entrusted to you.

Be concerned about the evangelization of the sheep of your flock, for the wolf, through the sects, has been confusing and causing many of them to be lost.

Brethren Priests: The Ministry of the Eucharist, can only be exercised by you, do not delegate it to my lay brethren, they were not given that power; it was to you who were entrusted with such a great honor.

Do not make yourselves guilty before my Father, for this sacrilege committed by the laity is an affront to the One and Triune God, present in every Eucharist.

Brethren Priests: Ask for my protection before my Father; remember that I am protector of the Church and Guardian of the Vicar of Jesus and of each one of you; entrust yourselves to Me, and I will remain at your side in all your ways and spiritual undertakings.

Brethren Priests, my Father asks you to have more charity and humility with the sheep of your flock; for many are losing faith because of the apathy and indifference of many of you. Again I say to you, take up again the path of evangelization, forming brigades from house to house; paying more attention to the call of the sheep; more availability for the Sacrament of Confession; remember that you will be judged in love by Divine Justice. I remind you of the words of the Gospel of Jesus. To whom much is given, much will be demanded; you shepherds of the Church, you are disciples much loved by my Father and by our Lady and Queen Mary, do not disappoint them with your behavior; for many of you, have given yourselves to the easy life and worldly pleasures, neglecting the flock and most sadly losing your soul.

Brethren Priests, the days are coming when the house of my Father shall be shut up because of the abomination of the being of iniquity. Read the whole chapter of Daniel 12 so that you may better understand what I am telling you; that is why my Father is making this distressing call to you, so that each one of you may gather the flock entrusted to him and bring it safely into the eternal fold. Do not, therefore, disregard this call, for the hour of divine justice is about to begin and there will be no more time for mercy.

May the peace of the Most High God be with you. May our protection and intercession remain with you always. I am Michael the Archangel and the Archangels and Angels of my Father's Kingdom. Glory to God, Glory to God, Glory to God. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. Amen.

Make known our messages, men of good will, especially to our brethren Priests.

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