Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Sunday, February 26, 2012

Urgent Call of the Guadalupe Virgin to Her Beloved Mexican Nation!

I Call Upon My Beloved Nation, Mexico: My Children, What Happen with You? Why Do You Make Me Sad with Your Attitude?


Beloved children of my heart, the peace of God be with you! My motherly heart is sad seeing how the divine justice days are coming close, knowing that the immense majority of humankind is submerged in apostasy and sin. O, how many nations will be razed by God’s Wrath! Entire countries will disappear, and with it most inhabits, only to remain those who have listened to heavenly calls.

Little children my tears cover creation, My Father had decreed His just judgment; as a Mother of humanity, I will intercede until the last instant for all my children, and especially for those who are further away from God. Help me my loyal children to intercede with me for all sinners of the world, and especially for those who do not believe, do not accept God One and Triune.

I make a call to my beloved nation of Mexico: My children, what happened to you? Why do you make me sad with your attitude? I am your Guadalupe’s Mother who interceded for your nation, and for all of you; but I painfully see how you are turning astray of the way; I feel pain to see how you outrage My Son’s Divinity in many or your houses; I feel pain to see how you worship death, and how you blaspheme to call it holy; Do you not know that all this is my adversary’s work? How many profanations are committed, and how many insults I receive daily from my children whom I so love! In many of your provinces my Son’s name and My name are outraged with your detestable pagan practices; you adore and worship strange gods, fetishes, and images of deceased people, who led sinful lives. Idolatry and syncretism are making many to lose faith.

I feel pain to see how you attend My Son’s Holy Sacrifice and then you also worship witchcraft and superstition. Look how your nation is doing! It goes adrift as a ship without a rudder; evil lurks, and it makes blood run in every corner of my beloved nation; casting a pall over the homes of my beloved Mexican people. You are turning your back on your Father and your Mother, for that reason violence, unemployment, hunger, and chaos have taken over my beloved country. My little children I exhort you to straighten your direction, because if you keep on in the same way I will abandon your nation, and you know the consequences this could bring upon you.

Do not outrage me or outrage my Divine Son; I ask for your loyalty and compromise; I need you to redress My Son and me, profaned in so many churches. My lays children, you must not perform the priestly ministry, you must understand that this ministry is exclusive to My preferred children; pray for priestly vocations in your country, so that My Father will send you workers. I ask you that your nation returns to my Son and to me from the heart as it was before, only in this way will peace return to your land. I call upon my prophets and instruments of my beloved country, so that in prayer and fasting before the Most Holy Sacrament of my Son to verify the authenticity of this message, which I send to you through my son Enoch, for you not to doubt to My words. Dear children I need you to do days of prayer and fasting across your nation, praying the Holy Rosary, asking for peace in your land and the restoration of faith, pray as Nineveh’s inhabitants for God to have mercy on you and your nation.

May the peace return to bloom in my beloved Mexico.

Your Guadalupe’s Mother. Empress of America.

Make known my messages in all corners of my beloved country.

Source: ➥
