Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Sanctifying Mary’s Call to the Children of God. Alto De Guarne, Antioquia.

Do Not Tire to Pray for Our Benedict So That He Can Fulfill the Mission to Guide God’s Flock During These Times of So Much Darkness and Apostasy


Custodian angels are already among you, invoke them, gladly they will give you their protection. My father has sent them to protect His faithful people on earth, all is about to begin; trust in God, and do not turn away from your Mother, take my hand and pray with me my holy rosary every day, and I will not forsake you.

Little children difficult days lie ahead, be not afraid, do not allow it to steal your peace, pray and trust the heaven’s protection to be with you. Do not forget to intercede for your relatives furthest from God; remember that all prayers, holy masses, fasting’s, good works, pleas and rosaries that you make for them will free them from being lost during the time of Divine Justice.

My little children pray for my beloved sons (priests), because many will be lost when the purification of the church comes. Do not tire to pray for our Benedict so he can fulfill the mission to guide God’s flock during these times of so much darkness and apostasy. He is the Pope the Spirit of God has placed on Peter’s Seat to lead the church’s destiny during these end times. Support him with your prayers, do not criticize him, do not judge, do not compare, if you knew the cross that he is carrying then you would have more charity with our Benedict.

He is following the Spirit’s instructions, and he is fighting to remain firm in the Seat of Peter, despite so many attacks, and many church divisions during these end times. The Glory of Olive will stay firm; Heaven will uphold him up until the written time about him is fulfilled. I ask you little children not to forsaken him; my Son’s vicar needs support from the whole catholic world, so that he can continue complying with Thy Father’s Will.

Forward my children intensify your prayers and ask for this Mother’s protection, who loves you so much and suffers for you. Stay firm during these trials, so that tomorrow you may receive the crown of life. May the Peace of God be with and my maternal protection assists you, your Mother: Sanctifying Mary.

Make my messages and my advocation known, little children of my heart.

Source: ➥
