Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Monday, May 2, 2016

Urgent and Anguished Appeal from Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament to Humanity.

My Children, Anyone Who Has Put on Spiritual Armor Will Not Be Touched by My Adversary!


My peace be with you, my children. Great trials are approaching for humanity; My faithful people will be refined in the furnace of affliction so that tomorrow you may be with me and dwell in the New Creation.

All my faithful people and all my chosen ones, beloved and instruments, will be persecuted in the time of my adversary and many will give their lives for the cause of my Gospel. In the final reign of my adversary, persecution and extermination of my faithful children, will be the cruelest of all that has ever been carried out in the history of mankind. The blood of my martyrs will be the defeat my adversary; this spilled blood will be My blood with which I will overcome my adversary again.

Fear not, nor let your heart be troubled; I will send you my Holy Spirit and He will give you strength, so that you can endure those days of anguish and desolation. Before you lose your life, your spirit will be taken and brought to Eternal Glory. The story of my faithful people will be repeated and, like my first Christians, you also will have to climb the mountain or hide in caves to escape the relentless pursuit of the emissaries of evil that will hunt for you in the approaching days of tribulation.

My children, after my Father’s Warning , the sheep will be separated from the goats and my people will know who is of God and who serves my adversary; by their fruits you will know them. On your way to eternity, all God's people will receive the graces and gifts they need to face the final battle that will give them freedom. These will be the spiritual weapons to combat, with all the power of God, my adversary and his troops of evil.

My children, anyone who has put on spiritual armor will not be touched by my adversary. Give heed to what I say and comply with my instructions; once again, I remind you: do not go out into the street without putting on your spiritual armor, because you are in the days of spiritual battle and many evil entities that roam the air come, taking control of the bodies of those who are far from God or seizing them for my adversary. So, heed my call, so that you do not bring upon yourselves unpleasant surprises. Each day of these last days, the spiritual battle will be fiercer. After the Warning and Miracle will come the final battle that will give you freedom. I instruct you in all this, so that you remain steadfast in faith and so, as good soldiers, you are alert and vigilant, so that nothing and no one may take you by surprise.

My sons, the cunning of my adversary knows no bounds; he will take advantage of show business and the sport of your time to implant in all his followers the mark of the beast. The sport that moves the masses in your world will be tapped and sports clubs will make a worldwide campaign so that their fans will allow themselves to be implanted with the microchip. Very soon it will be essential to wear the stamp of the beast implanted in your body to enter the sports venues or to see your human idols. There will be no ticket sales; the entrance ticket to these scenarios will be the microchip. How many will be lost by this deception! Millions will fall into the trap and when they realize the mistake they have made, it will be too late for them!

My children, be careful you do not fall into this deception! Many idols of your world have already sold their souls to my adversary in exchange for fame, power and money; the list is large and on it there are sports players, soccer players, singers, politicians, government officials, writers, tycoons, bankers and many who claim to be my relatives. Millions idolize them and they will be the ones who drag many to perdition. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for his soul? (Matthew 16, 26) Poor guinea pigs, the cunning of my adversary will rob you of your soul.

So, be alert and vigilant, my children, because my adversary will make use of everything to have the greatest number of souls lost. I leave you My peace, my peace I give you. Repent and convert, for the kingdom of God is near. Your Teacher, Jesus of the Blessed Sacrament.

Make known my messages to all humanity.

Source: ➥
