Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Monday, July 3, 2017

Urgent Call of Jesus the ​Good Shepherd to His Flock.

Jesus: Fire from sky is approaching and will catch mankind unprepared.


Sheep of My flock, peace to you.

Fire from the sky is approaching and will catch mankind unprepared. Many fireballs are directed to the earth and the men of science will not be able to stop them, because they are instruments of My Justice that come to purify your planet. Remember that you are in times of trial and what you must do is: pray, fast and do penance, so that these days will be more bearable.

My flock, the vast majority of humanity continues to relax as if nothing were going to happen. But I say to you: The axe is already laid at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire. (Matthew 3. 10) O ungrateful and sinful humanity, you have not wanted to welcome Me, you continue to despise My Mercy that so benevolently I am offering you. You have not wanted to listen to My Words that incessantly are calling you to conversion. Then, know My Justice, feel its rigour and its tragedy; perhaps this way, you will comprehend and obey and through suffering, you may return to Me.

I am calling you again to conversion, I am seeking by all means that you return to my fold, because I do not want your death nor do I please your suffering. But no, you are so stubborn, you are stiff-necked, you only learn through suffering; How sad My Justice has to be, the one that brings you back to my fold! Your ingratitude hurts me and make Me sad, I offer you Life, Joy and Plenitude, through My Mercy; but you reject them, you prefer pain, suffering and death, that will come to you in the step of my Justice. What a sadness!

Oh Mankind, the days that are coming are of purification, accept me, before the great night of my Justice arrives! My Warning is near and will catch you unprepared; what are you waiting for? Remember that your life is at stake and if you do not repent from your heart, you run the risk of losing yourself eternally! Come to Me, with a contrite and humble heart and I assure you that I will forget your sins. I am the Source of Forgiveness Who is waiting for you, My lost sheep. Come to bathe and you will be clean, I am waiting for you, do not be late; get near with confidence and seek one of My pastors who represent Me and entrust him all of your misery and filth. Through him, I will cleanse you and give you new garments so that you can dine with Me.

My flock, make the most of these days and nourish yourself as much as you can with My Body and Blood, so that your body, soul and spirit, are strengthened and can resist the passage of My Justice. After my Warning and Miracle, the days of the last reign of my adversary will begin and with them, the time of the Great Tribulation will begin. My Houses are going to be closed and My Tabernacles will be desecrated; the time in which My flock will have to flee from the cities and towns and take refuge in the mountains, shelters or caverns, to flee, as my first disciples did, from persecutions.

Prepare yourselves, My flock, because the days that are to come are unfortunate. Do not fear those who kill the body, but cannot kill the soul; fear rather the one who can kill the body and the soul in the fire. (Matthew 10, 28) My peace I leave you, My peace I give you. Repent and convert, because the Kingdom of God is near.

Your Teacher, Jesus the Good Shepherd

Let my messages be known to all mankind, sheep of My flock.

Source: ➥
