Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Sunday, July 15, 2018

Urgent call of Mary the Sanctifier to the People of God. Message to Enoch.

I will manifest Myself in many places.


My little children, may the peace of My Lord be with you all and My Motherly protection always assist you.

My children, great celestial manifestations are about to take place; I will manifest Myself in many places in the company of the Angels, making calls to conversion. The places where I will manifest Myself the most will be My Shrines: I want with these manifestations to touch the lukewarm and hard hearts, so that they return to the love of God.

Just and sinners will see me, I will touch many hearts and manifest Myself, especially in those places where faith has declined. I seek with My apparitions that this humanity wakes up and be prepared for the triumphant return of My Son. Each manifestation will be a Pentecost and many gifts and charisma the will Holy Spirit distribute among the faithful children of God. All My little children who receive the gifts and the charisma will convert in disciples of these end times. Their mission will be to evangelize and to prepare the flock of My Son, for His Second Coming.

These chosen little children will make the Word of God known to the five continents and will open the understanding of this humanity that lies dormant because of sin. In the time of the great tribulation, they will be light in the midst of darkness and together with our prophets, will make the Good News of Heaven known to the People of God who will walk through the desert of purification.

Little children, in each community there will be one or several Heaven instruments with gifts and charisma, being responsible for shepherding and guiding the flock that God has entrusted to them. They will strengthen their brothers in faith and they will be light that shine in the midst of darkness. Look, then, My children, that heaven will not abandon you; In those days of spiritual aridity, you will have the nourishment of the Word of God, which will be announced to you through these disciples. Gather in small communities, praying with the prayer of My Holy Rosary, reading and sharing the Word of God; reciting also Psalms and praising at all times the Glory of My Father.

Little children, Heaven is making all the efforts to save the greatest number of souls. That is why I will soon manifest Myself in the five continents, making a universal call to humanity, so that the soonest wakes up and prepares for the events that are about to come; and most importantly, be prepared for the arrival of the coming of the Warning and the Second Coming of My Son. The celestial manifestations are going to be of such a clear and manifested reality, that no mortal will be able to debate them. Heaven is going to manifest Itself to you so that you do not doubt Its existence. I will manifest Myself in the company of My Son to all humanity, without distinction of creeds, races, or religions; so that it recognizes the existence of the One and True God, One and Triune. God of gods, Lord of lords, rich in Goodness, Love and Mercy, for the just and sinners.

Prepare then Children of Mine for this Pentecost of Love that is about to be given. My Father wants many souls to convert, before the arrival of the Warning so that their passage through eternity be of peace and of joy and not their worst nightmare. Little children, My Holy Rosary is the bridge that allows you to communicates with Me, pray It with faith and confidence and invoke at all times the presence of the Holy Spirit of God; and by the measure of your faith and fervor, I will be in your midst and you will see Me. Praise the Glory of God and ask for the Triumph of Our Two Hearts.

May the Peace of My Lord remain in you.

Your Mother loves you, Mary the Sanctifier.

Make My messages known to all humanity, My children.

Source: ➥
