Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, and St. Michael as guard and protector of God’s word to His son
My love, My beautiful one and all of My most beloved children, this is Mary your Spiritual Mother and the Mother of all God’s children. My son, the message yesterday from My Son, Jesus, had a lot of information in it about the signs of the times. He told you that you are now moving from Revelations Chapter 12 to Chapter 13. I wish all My children to read Chapter 12, where We are at now, and Chapter 13, where We are about to go, in the history of the world as it is now in your time on earth. The beast is about to try and take your world down even further. My children do not fear for your God is in control if you stay in a state of grace and come to My Son and I for the graces are all available for these times in your life. Please ask for the graces and use them for yourself and family and for the world.
Yes, We are in very serious times in the history of the world but We are also in very special times in the history of the world. We are moving in an era of time that started two thousand years ago when my Son and I were put on earth by God the Father as the new Adam and the new Eve to take the world back for God the Father to fulfill the Our Father—‘thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.’ St. Michael cleansed Heaven out when the angels rebelled against God the Father and this era of time will be the final fulfillment of Jesus’ and My (Mary) , job to end this two thousand year era of time that God the Father set up to cast satan back into hell and lock him up for a thousand year reign of peace. We explained more about this the other day in the messages. Please turn your heart and will over to God the Father now while it is still easy because all is about to crash in your worldly world and all is about to be made new in your spiritual world in the New Era of Peace.
My Son and I and all of Heaven will rule and love each of you in the New Jerusalem like you could never imagine in your wildest dreams. It will be all you could ever ask for and even much more. This is the time that My Father and Son have been waiting for since the beginning of time. Please give your heart to God now in order to be more able to understand all of these messages you have to read them like the Bible. You need to go back at least ten messages at a time and read the whole chapter, so to speak, to grasp what We are saying. You cannot pick up a book and read one page and know what it is saying. It is the same with the messages, you need to read the whole book. These messages are straight from God the Father through one of His saints from Heaven to His children on earth in a language of your time in the world that you can understand. Please now read chapter 13 in the Bible and you will know where the world is at at this time in your life and in God’s time. Love, Mother Mary. Be ready spiritually so you can handle the last of the cross for your time. Amen