Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA


Saturday, October 11, 2014

Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, and St. Michael and all of Heaven to protect God’s words


My most beloved son, this is your Jesus of love and mercy. As you and your friends know the handwriting is on the wall for all that is about to take place. God the Father told you the other day that it is happening now. You are beginning to see more attacks from satan each day. Many things are happening in your country that the news does not tell you. They tell you just the lies that the one world government tells them to say. The leader of your country is the most evil leader that your country has ever had. Pray for him and your Pope much so they can start to lead your country and church in the right direction.

Anything that is said that comes out of the talks of the bishops and Pope* that are not 100% in line with the Ten Commandments is not from your God and do not believe it or go along with it. It has to be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. It has to be in plain black and white with no gray areas to confuse you. It has to go with the Catechism that Pope John Paul II approved. If it does not follow the old doctrines of the Church, the Bible and the Catechism it is new age and the new one world church. Leave all the parishes that start teaching any of the new age and start taking anything out of the Mass and replacing it with new age. New age means twisting the truth and making it a gray area instead of black and white which means it is not said in a way that people can understand it. Anything that seems wrong to your conscience, if living a good holy life and going to Mass and Confession every week, is most likely to be twisted and wrong.

Pray and discern everything now and stay with people you know and trust because there are many groups and people in the Catholic Church that believe in abortion, same sex marriage and many other things that are new age and are not of God. My remnant children have to stand up and teach the truth of the real Catholic Church. Many priests and bishops and cardinals are not on track with God’s teaching. Many went their own way after Vatican II and did what they wanted to do and not what God asked them to teach. This is enough for now. Love, Jesus. Be careful My children.

*Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on the Family, October 5-19, 2014

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