Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA


Sunday, September 15, 2024

I Urge You to Surrender All Your Petitions, All Your Crosses, All Your Desires, Victories and Defeats into My Immaculate Heart

Message from Blessed Virgin Mary to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA on September 11, 2024


Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."

"Dear children, tonight, I urge you to surrender all your petitions, all your crosses, all your desires, victories and defeats into My Immaculate Heart. It is here I will resolve them and make them My own."

"You have nothing to worry about except the worry that you carry that is dragging your spirits down."

"Dear children, I love you, and I am asking you, once again, to trust that My solutions are coming. They are My own and they will not be touched by evil."

"Tonight, I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Holy Love." *

* The Blessing of Holy Love helps us to live the virtue of Holy Love. You can also receive the Blessing of Holy Love every time you read or listen to Our Lady's Message given on October 7, 2021, by clicking here:

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