Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
(Korean martyrs)

Jesus said: “My people, there are holy places where tables, walls and pictures oil by themselves, as well as statues. This oiling is a sign of the holiness and blessings on a particular house. The woman, who was forgiven her sins in today’s Gospel (Luke 7:36-50), also poured oil over My feet. This was not just for hospitality, but it was a foretelling of My burial after I would be crucified. She had great faith and that is why I forgave her of her many years of sin. I will also forgive anyone who repents and seeks My forgiveness, no matter how serious their sins. The Pharisees, where I visited, were critical of Me for allowing this woman to approach Me, and questioned how I could forgive sins. They also did not want to accept that I was the Messiah, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. They saw My miracles of healing the sick, casting out demons, and raising people from the dead, and still they refused to believe that I was God, Incarnate. So it is in your day where some still do not want to believe in Me even after seeing many modern day miracles. Pray for those who are weak in faith, called the lukewarm, and pray for the conversion of sinners who are deep in sin and deep in the hold of Satan. Anyone can be saved if they repent and allow Me to be Master of their lives and their Savior.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I have given you messages about the Warning before, but this vision of a coming comet is a sign to you that the Warning is not far away. Many will be frightened on the day of the Warning both because of the signs in the skies and because everyone will have a life review of both the good things and the sins that they have committed. This will be My mercy of an illumination of conscience and soul in an out of body experience. You will see your judgment at this time and have a taste of where you would go. Then you will be placed back into your bodies to confess your sins and change your lives. Prepare now with a good prayer life so you will have a pure soul at the time of this Warning experience.”
Jesus said:
“My people, you need to be aware that you are being watched and your movements are being tracked so they know who you are. These evil ones are listening to your conversations, so be guarded in what you share on the phone. I will send My angels to protect you so you will be able to make it safely to your refuges at the proper time. The mercy of My Warning will prepare you for the coming tribulation. Give thanks and praise to Me for all of My gifts to you.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are two kinds of nets that are searching for souls. The one net is that of My evangelists who are like My apostles whom I said would be fishers of men instead of just fish. I send many of My laborers into My vineyard to reach out to souls in conversion. Even now the time grows short and the time for saving souls is short also. The other net is the snare of the demons who are constantly seeking the ruin of souls. Pray constantly to St. Michael to protect the souls from being lost to Satan.”
Jesus said: “My people, your government has been corrupted by the control of your corporations and the central bankers. They are planning a complete takeover of your country as the first step in a world takeover that will be given over to the Antichrist. This will be carried out by them creating a massive event that will kill many by bombs and an epidemic of virulent viruses. This will give them the excuse to declare a national emergency and eventually martial law will be declared. At that time you should call on Me and your angels to lead you to the nearest refuge where you will be healed of any viruses.”
Jesus said: “My people, in addition to the coming event leading up to martial law, the evil ones will be shutting down your power lines to throw you into confusion. This is another sign to you of the evil ones attempting a national takeover along with checkpoints on the main highways. Be prepared for no power in winter with oil in your lamps, and alternative fuels for heating your homes. I will multiply what you need so have no fear of these evil ones. Pray for discernment and direction for your way to your refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you before that you would be fortunate to have another Presidential election before martial law is declared. This vision of a vacant Presidential voting booth is another sign that the one world people are ready to make their move for control. Already you are seeing many ominous gyrations in your credit and commodity markets that are signaling a possible coming recession and even a created financial collapse. This is another means of control to introduce mandatory chips in the body for all buying and selling. Refuse to take any chips in your body because they could control your minds. This is still another sign in mandatory chips in the body that will be the time to leave for My refuges. Call on My help to lead you and protect you.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have given you this promise of My New Jerusalem that will be brought down to earth as I will establish My New Era of Peace. You will first see a time of evil in the coming tribulation when I will allow the evil ones their hour of influence. Have no fear because My angels will protect you. As the Antichrist reaches the height of his power, I will vanquish him with My victory and all the evil ones will be chained in hell. Then I will renew the earth and bring down My New Jerusalem as in this vision. Rejoice in My coming victory and be patient for this time of My glory.”
Source: ➥