Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Monday, December 11, 2017

Monday, December 11, 2017


Monday, December 11, 2017: (Angelo ‘Jim’ Scarantino Funeral)

Jim said: “Hello everybody, I am happy that all of you could make it to my last party at this funeral and reception. You remember my favorite saying: ‘He, who is content, is crazy.’ I am so sad to leave Lil and the family, because I love all of you so much. I will be watching over you and praying for your souls. I gave all of you a good example to follow by coming to Sunday Mass and praying to God. If you are faithful to God, He will be faithful in helping you with your needs. I am in heaven, as my cancer was my purgatory on earth. I love the freedom from my body, and I am ready to dance with Lil when her time comes. Keep a picture of me so you will always remember my love.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have a similar feeling as I do when I have to send souls to their eternal punishment in hell. I give every soul many opportunities to come to Me for forgiveness, but I cannot change people’s free will. There is a day when I will send My Warning, so all sinners can see what hell is like. When some sinners love themselves more than Me, they are on a path to this place of the evil ones. Seeing hell and how their sins offend Me at the Warning, will wake up some souls, but not all souls will change. I do ask My faithful to pray for these lost souls, because your persistent prayers can save your family members. I am seeking the love of every soul, but some souls are not listening to My words of love, because they are full of hate and worship of earthly things. You need to pray hard for the lost souls before they die, because they cannot be helped once they are lost in hell at their death. The souls in purgatory can also be helped by your prayers and Masses. When people die, you can pray your Chaplet of Divine Mercy for their soul. You are also praying the long form of the St. Michael prayer for the souls in your family. Keep praying for them, and give them good example by your holy life of Mass and prayer.”

Source: ➥