Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Thursday, October 3, 2024

Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ of September 25 to October 1, 2024


Wednesday, September 25, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people, even as I gave power to heal people to My apostles, I also give power to My faithful to heal people in My Name. In the Book of Proverbs it speaks of being content with what you have, and not desiring more riches than you need. This world and its riches will pass away. You are rich to have Me and My graces to lead you to your eternal reward in heaven. This is why the things of heaven are more valuable to you than the things of this world. So reach out to people to share your gift of faith and donations to the needy, and your gift of healing. By evangelizing the non-believers and doing good deeds for people, you will share in My love in heaven as your reward.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are entering the fall season of the year when many farmers are harvesting their crops. You can also think about the harvest of souls in the end times by My angels. I keep calling souls to repent of their sins in Confession so you are always ready to meet Me at your judgment. My son, you are getting ready for more tests on your bone marrow problem. You may have to undergo some treatments for your condition. Offer up any pain or treatments for poor sinners, and the poor souls in purgatory. Trust in Me that you will be healed and brought into My Era of Peace as I told you in previous messages.”

Thursday, September 26, 2024: (St. Cosmas and St. Damien)

Camille said: “Hello John, the family and I are praying that your health problems will be healed, as you were told by Jesus. I am also praying for Carol, Sharon, and Vic. I am warning your people to be prepared for more problems with your election. The Democrats will be trying to cheat again with illegal votes at your election. The Masons and the rich people will put a lot of money into controlling your election. Your people are too used to having rights in a free country, and you will see some violence if Trump does not win. If the evil ones stop your election, there will be even worse riots. Be prepared to come to your refuges when the violence begins.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, this category 4 Hurricane Helene will cause the most damage from your hurricanes this year. It will destroy buildings and it will cause major power outages (4 million) in Florida and other Southern states. This 140 mph storm will cause damage that will take a long time to repair and it will require your government to give money for the needed repairs. Pray for these people for little loss of life and to help them after the storm. People could contribute to any storm funds.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are hearing of hundreds of lives being lost in Lebanon as Israel is trying to stop the missiles coming into their country from Hezbollah. This war appears to be expanding between Israel and Lebanon. The war in the Ukraine is also expanding as Russia is using more missiles and more troops. Pray for these wars to find a peaceful end.”

Jesus said: “My son, several of your family members are suffering from eating disorders, possible cancer, and some seizures. Each of these people who are suffering, need to offer up their pain for poor sinners and the poor souls in purgatory. Do not waste your pain and suffering, but it can be offered up as a saving grace for people.”

Jesus said: “My people this election will determine if America stays free, or you will see America turned into a communist state like Russia or China if the Democrats win. Pray a novena of prayers for America that it will remain a free democratic republic. If the communists win, this could be your last free election. Once the communists take over a country, they will always win their elections. A communist country also will bring persecution to all Christian believers, and you will have to go underground to find a true Mass. If the communists run America, I will soon have to call My people to My refuges, or My believers will be martyred by the new evil rulers.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some major power outages from hurricanes and storms, but you will see long term power outages when the Masons want to take over your country. This is why I have asked My refuge builders to finish up their refuge preparations because your stores will have empty shelves again. It is also the reason to have at least three months of food stocked up for every household member. My son, I sent you out one last time to stock up on some last minute needs before your stores and churches will be closed down. Trust in Me and My angels to finish up your refuges before My coming Warning and Conversion time comes upon you.”

Jesus said: “My people, My refuge builders also need to stock up on wood and other fuels, because if you see more power outages, it will be difficult to keep your homes warm and provide for cooking food. You may have to think about a larger propane source, as long as it is allowed in your town. I will be multiplying your fuels, but the larger the containers you have, the more fuel that will be multiplied. Think about being able to feed more people than the original forty I told you to prepare for. Check with your town to see how much propane you can store.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of My refuge people are suffering from various illnesses, and they are in need of My miraculous healing. I have mentioned a good number of times how I will be placing a luminous cross in the sky over every refuge. All of those people, who look upon My luminous cross in faith, will be healed of any illness that they have. This is similar to how Moses’ people were healed of their snake bites when they looked on the bronze serpent on a pole. This is also how you look upon Me on My cross, and how I forgive you of your sins. Trust in Me to protect you at My refuges and provide for your physical and spiritual needs.”

Friday, September 27, 2024: (St. Vincent de Paul)

Jesus said: “My people, this end of a line on a spool is a sign that time has run out, and you will start seeing more violence in the weather and in your country’s freedom. The one world people are out of time also, and there will be a huge struggle to take over your country in preparation for the tribulation of the Antichrist. You have two sides struggling between the evil and the good freedom loving people of your country. You are seeing the last grasp for your people to fight against the communists led by Satan and the one world people. If the Democrats keep control of your government, then you will see a communist takeover that will take away your freedoms, even your freedom to openly worship Me. Under communism, My people will need to come to My refuges for Mass because open worship will be forbidden. The ownership of your land and wealth will be under control of the state as in other communist countries.”

Jesus said: “My people, this latest Hurricane Helene came into the mountains and there was a lot of rain running off into the streams and rivers that were at flood stage. It will take a long time to restore power to all of the areas that have serious damage. Pray for these people that they can find shelter and food until their homes are restored. You could still have more storms, but probably not as bad as Helene. Be prepared for more serious events around your election time because the Democrats will try to cheat again as they did in 2020.”

Saturday, September 28, 2024: (St. Lawrence Ruiz & companions)

Jesus said: “My people, you remember how I called St. Peter the ‘rock’ on whom I would build My Church. This means your faith in Me needs to be on a solid foundation because this world is passing away, but My words will not pass away. When you have hope in Me and have faith in Me, then you are basing your faith on a rock solid foundation. The man, who builds his house on rock, will not be swept away by wind or floods. But the man, who builds his home on sand, will be washed away. Focus your soul on Eternal life with Me, and not on worldly things that are passing away. Trust in Me and not in your money or in people.”

Jesus said: “My people, Biden and Harris are destroying your country with open borders, and they are flying illegal immigrants to many of your cities. They are giving them money and encouraging them to vote for Harris. They are supporting the drug cartel as they bring in fentanyl and drugs to kill your people. They are allowing children to be trafficed for sex crimes and making them sex slaves. Harris is a communist and if she wins, your country will be a communist nation run by her as a dictator. Once the communists take over, you may never have another free election. Your people need to vote for the Republican if you want to remain a free country. Watch out for more cheating votes by the Democrats to try and take over your country. If your people do not vote out Harris, they will be the cause of your take over. If Harris wins, you may have to come to My refuges so the evil ones cannot kill you, because they despise My believers.”

Sunday, September 29, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing crowds of people in the streets that are not happy with the election results. If the Democrats cheat again with fake votes as in 2020, you could see riots against your evil government. You could even see events that could stop the election. If your lives are in danger, I will have My Warning and Conversion time. Then I would call you to the protection of My refuges with My angels. Be prepared because your people will not stand for another cheating election as in 2020. You could see fighting in the streets if the communists try to take over your country.”

Monday, September 30, 2024: (St. Jerome)

Jesus said: “My people, at times you all have to face the difficulties in life, and some are from your own making. You read Job’s response in his prayer, that he came into the world with nothing, and you all will leave this world with nothing. All of the things and people of this world are passing away, but it is how you acted on My words that will determine your judgment. It is how you show your love for Me and your love for your neighbor that will show Me how strong your faith is despite all that you will face in life. You will not be tested beyond your endurance, so you can trust in Me that I will help My believers make it through life to your reward with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, the time for the Antichrist to take over the world is drawing close, because his time is running out. This is why the one world people want to take over your country because Trump is a threat to their plans. Even if Trump wins the election, they could declare a martial law and take over before Trump could come into office. The same people could start a world war to stop Trump from taking office. Be prepared for My Warning that is coming soon if you see a takeover of your country. After My Warning and Conversion time, I will call My believers to My refuges. This is why you are not traveling and why you needed to finish up your refuge preparations. Trust in Me and My angels to protect you at My refuges.”

Tuesday, October 1, 2024: (St. Therese of Lisieux)

St. Therese said: “My son, I love you, and I have helped you as a spiritual director on your road to heaven. You have been praying my 24 Glory Be prayers for your granddaughter to get better. She needs some spiritual help as well. You have read of my ‘Little Way’ where I offered up everything I did to Jesus, no matter whether I was cleaning the floors or in my prayer time. You have been helping Jocelyn with some exorcism salt to fight the demons that have attacked her. Keep encouraging her to pray and you can suggest my prayers for her to pray. I am praying for your healing so you can carry on your work. Remember to offer up any pain or difficulty up to Jesus, so it can be applied to benefit other souls. Keep praying your Glory Be prayers for Jocelyn.”

Source: ➥
