Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, March 15, 2014
The tears We weep for you are many!
- Message No. 480 -
My child. My dear child. Thank you for coming. I, your loving Mother of tears, want to tell you, the children of the world, this today: My Mother's heart is suffering! It suffers over the state of your earth and you, because so many children simply do not want to convert. My Mother's heart, which loves you so much, would so gladly and from the bottom of My heart save you from all the suffering which afflicts you and will still afflict you, but you do not give your YES to Jesus, My Son.
My so beloved children. Convert yourselves! Run to Jesus, into His Holy Arms, and abandon the cold world that has taken hold of you! It is the devil's grip that makes your hearts grow cold, and that fills you with his false ideologies that bring you even more coldness, chill and soullessness, because his demons are soulless beings, and whoever commits himself to the devil has his soul stolen!
My children. This state of your world today, which you see so modern and progressive, is nothing but the stepping stone to the abysses of hell! Where there is no love,where only coldness and matter counts, one's own ego and "science", people become sick,they become sad, they begin to suffer, to "wither". Don't you see where your so praised progress leads you? Where God no longer exists, because you have pushed him away, eradicated from your life, your society and forgotten, there the soul will die without ever dying, and suffer.
My children. Come to Me and My Holy Son so that you may experience warmth again! Our love for you is infinite, the tears We weep for you are many and the sorrow and pain of Our hearts so deep!
Find Us and live again as true children of the Lord! Let yourselves fall into Us, and let Us take care of you! I, your Holy Mother of Tears, promise that every child who finds his way to Us will be received in the greatest love, no matter where he comes from, what he has done, and how much or how grievously he has sinned.
My Son forgives your sins, and HE LOOKS for YOU! His longing is infinite, and His love is all-forgiving! Accept His goodness! His love! His joy! And give your YES to HIM! I beg you most humbly and from the bottom of my heart to do so!
Your so much loving and suffering Mother of Tears. Amen.
"My tears are tears of blood to purify the world and you, My beloved children. Turn back and give your YES to Jesus! It is not too late for that. Thank you. I love you so much. Amen." Thank you, My daughter. Make this known. Amen.
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