Messages from Diverse Sources


Monday, October 7, 2024

Call upon the Holy Spirit, My Children, and Pray for the Light of Truth to Guide You at a Time When the Confusion Will Only Multiply

Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ to Beloved Jennifer in USA on October 3rd, 2024


My child,

I say to My children it is not an act of love when you compromise the truth. When the commandments and the teachings of My church are altered to the fulfillment of man's desire, this is not love, this is evil seeking to manifest as truth. My children, the darkness that has infiltrated the hearts of mankind is no longer concealed, for the doors of deception have been opened and the floodgates of truth can no longer be contained.

My children, the greatest fall of man is pride. Satan fell because he could not humble himself before the divine throne. When you allow sin to overcome your hearts and minds and refuse to come to reconciliation, you have become the source in which Satan prides himself. Do not give him custody of your soul. Do not look for revenge upon those who have brought you injustice, for evil will stumble upon its own consequences. You cannot truly walk in My light without walking the road to Calvary. The world has entered into the stages of My passion. You, My children, must prepare in a greater way, for the hour will come when your faith, your love and devotion to Me will be tested. Will you renounce your faith like Judas in order to eat, in order to enter the gate that leads your soul to ruin? Narrow is the path to Heaven because few have responded to My call to pray and live your life in simplicity. Call upon the Holy Spirit, My children, and pray for the light of truth to guide you at a time when the confusion will only multiply.

My children, you are soon to witness a great unraveling of the truth when you see just how deceived you have been by wolves who have clothed themselves as sheep. The time of awakening is near, for mankind has been slumbering for too long. I call My children to an hour of prayer before Me in adoration. When you pray, pray in humility, surrendering your life over to the designs of My Father in Heaven. Now go forth, for I am Jesus and be at peace, for My mercy and justice will prevail.

Source: ➥
