Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, March 19, 2001
Message of Our Lady
(Report - Marcos) I was returning from a trip in Paraná, where I had picked up the Books of Mystical City of GOD, and around the time of Guararema, on Via Dutra, Our Lady appeared to me. While the Apparition was happening, Marcos Augusto kept driving. Our Lady then greeted me as always and prayed an Our Father with me. Then she said some words to me that I cannot reveal, and then she continued: I am the one who is the Father of God.
(Our Lady) "I am very happy that you are taking the Books of My Life to Jacareí. Through these Books I will make My Triumph begin already in the hearts of the people who read them. They will be the Great Medicine that I will apply to the souls, to heal them and free them from the sins and mistakes in which they fell in their lives.
Through these Books, I will rush My Triumph on Earth! Thank you for bringing My Treasures here".
(Report - Marcos) "After that, Our Lady granted a private Message. Then, with a more serious tone, she said:"
(Our Lady) "- My son, write the word: 'H AND D'. I appeared in the middle of the last century in Heede, Germany, together with My Divine Son. To admonish the world and call it to conversion.
It was in Heede that the Cup of Divine Justice was announced to the world, already in preparation for Garabandal and all My World Apparitions.
And I need the world to know and heed My Appeals, given at Heede. If the world answers them, instead of the 'Punishment'. GOD has sent them His Mercy and His Peace".