Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Monday, November 7, 2016
Most Urgent Appeal from Maria Rosa Mystical to Mankind.
I Am Making an Urgent Appeal to All Those Who Are in Mortal Sin or in Spiritual Tepidity, So That They Reconsider and Return to God Before the Doors of Mercy Are Closed. Not to Do So and Not to Have Someone Who Leads Them Spiritually Risks Them Being Lost Eternally!

Little children of my heart, may the peace of my Lord be with you and my maternal protection free you from all evil.
Run, little children, and pass through the door of mercy, and spiritually lead all of your family members who are the most separated from God. The door of mercy is already closing; run with your safe-conduct so that you will be able to bear the passage to Eternity.
Little children, when the day of the Warning arrives, many souls will be lost for not wanting to accept this year of grace and forgiveness that God has given you; and, for not wanting to attend to the calls of Heaven. The Warning is going to catch many souls in mortal sin or spiritual lukewarmness, and they will not return to this world again. That is why, my children, I ask you to hurry through the door of mercy and spiritually to lead all those friends, family members, relatives and neighbors who find themselves farthest from God, so that they can bear the judgment that will be theirs in Eternity and can endure the different states of Purgatory and Hell according to the state of their souls.
Little children, whole families will be lost if they do not accept these last peals of mercy. The misuse of the technology of this world will lead many to eternal death. Many of my young people are being lost because of the misuse they have been giving to technology; They are moving away from prayer and the sacraments and they are being enslaved by the cell phone, computer, television and other technology of this world, which have become their gods.
My children, the day is near when you will pass before the Heavenly Court, where you will tell only your good works. The fire of Purgatory or Hell awaits the vast majority of this mankind; there are very few, they can be counted on your hands, those who will go to Heaven. Hurry up, rebellious children, for your life is in danger! Whether you have a second chance or you are lost for eternity depends on you! If you do not hurry to have your relatives, friends, relatives and neighbors who are distanced from God pass through the door of mercy, perhaps after the Warning they will no longer be among you.
Little children, you will be in Eternity for fifteen to twenty minutes of your time and what sadness that for many souls it will be their eternal death. I am making an urgent appeal to all those who are in mortal sin or in spiritual tepidity, so that they may reconsider and return to God before the gates of mercy are closed. Not to do so and not to have anyone lead them spiritually risks them being lost eternally.
Think, rebellious children, that what awaits you in Eternity is the fire of Hell, with which are punished in this world all souls who have distanced themselves from God and who, like you, have now turned their backs on Him and not faced Him, when He called them to listen to Him and to return to Him with all their heart!
This year of Mercy that is about to end is the safe-conduct that will allow you to return to this world the morning after the Warning. By not accepting Him, many will risk being lost forever. Only little children will be exempt from passing before Eternity: babies and children under seven years old will remain asleep for the duration of the Warning.
So, prepare yourselves, mankind, because everything is about to be fulfilled. The Mercy of God is moving away to give way to his Justice. The days of purification are about to begin; run to put your accounts in order and stop worrying about the cares and worries of this world, because everything in it is a vanity of vanities. Make neither short nor long term plans; rather, be concerned with saving your soul, because the great and terrible day of the Lord is near.
Your Mother, Maria Rosa Mystica, loves you.
Make known my messages, little children, to all mankind.