Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Friday, March 5, 2004
Monthly Message to All People and Every Nation
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
Jesus: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Today, I have come seeking prayers and sacrifices for those who make decisions which not only affect their own salvation, but the salvation of others. Such as these are government leaders, Church hierarchy, but also teachers, parents and priests."
"In regards to moral issues, no opinion goes without My Judgment. Consciences must be formed in Holy Love or else thoughts, words and actions are in error. Some of the Church hierarchy are schismatic and mislead clergy, and laity alike. It is no different in the realm of world government where laws are legislated in favor of self-love, not Holy Love."
"My Remnant must not give up hope, but persevere in the face of persecution and controversy. When you pray your trust in Me is like a down payment on your petition. Never be afraid to witness to the truth. The truth is the Light of the Holy Spirit which must pierce the darkness. My Faithful Remnant, you are the building block of the New Jerusalem. Upon your hearts rests My seal. Therefore, do not be discouraged even in the smallest matter."
"I come not only to encourage the Remnant Faithful, but to reproach those who have fallen from the path of righteousness. Understand in the innermost recesses of your heart that Holy Love is the scale of justice by which all thoughts, words and deeds will be measured."
"It is out of pride and self-love you choose sin over love. Satan has tricked you into thinking right is wrong, and wrong is right. Every sacred event of life from birth to marriage, Holy Orders to death has been violated by Satan's lies. When Heaven tries to intervene by way of miraculous events, the grace is summarily discounted. This wounds My Heart."
"I come to strengthen My Faithful Remnant. This can only happen when souls live in the Divine Will of My Heavenly Father which is Holy Love itself. Do not allow transgressions against love to come into your heart and weaken your faith, but return to Me, My children."
"Today We are blessing you with the Blessing of Our United Hearts."
Source: ➥