Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Vigolo, BG, Italy

Today the Blessed Virgin appeared accompanied by St. Anthony and Blessed Francisco and Jacinta, little shepherds of Fatima. The Blessed Mother communicated the following message to us this evening:
Peace my beloved children!
Receive my maternal messages in your hearts. Live all that I have already communicated to you.
Children, wake up from your deep sleep. God calls you to him through me. Follow the path of conversion that I show you. Be obedient to my calls. God has already given you many graces and He wants to give you many more.
Open your hearts. Leave your life of sin aside and start a new life united to the Heart of my Son Jesus.
Times are hard, but with prayer you can obtain the strength to face any trial, without ever weakening in faith and love.
Pray the rosary every day, listen to what I tell you; pray the rosary every day, for this prayer drives away many evils and dangers from you.
Be of God by loving, living in peace, and praying my rosary with love, united to your brothers and sisters.
Receive my love: my love as a Mother who protects you against all the devil's attacks. I am with you and I will never abandon you. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
The Blessed Virgin began to return to heaven majestically, until she disappeared. As she was saying the prayers for the Pope and the Church, behold, St. Joseph appeared unexpectedly, with the Child Jesus in his arms and with the three Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael at his side. St. Joseph communicated the following message at God's command:
Jesus sends me here to bless them and to place them under my protective mantle. My Divine Son loves you and ardently desires your salvation.
Be Jesus' with your whole being. Give your hearts to Jesus so that he may give you peace.
Children, my love I give you, just as I ask you to witness God's love to your brothers and sisters, offering them also your love and help.
Do not close your hearts to those who suffer and are in need of God's light and grace.
Learn to be merciful, so that you may deserve God's mercy. Pray for the Church. Jesus asks you tonight for intense prayers for the Church, for great dangers threaten her.
The dark cloud of sin and confusion wishes to destroy the Church, but the Church will emerge from this great trial and persecution victorious, for I will defend her and save her from great dangers at the command of my Divine Son.
When all will seem lost and Satan will think he is the only victor, my Son, through my intercession will perform a great miracle in favor of the Holy Church and men will remember this intervention of mine and honor my Most Chaste Heart even more.
Pray, pray, pray, for this is the request of the King of Heaven and Earth, this night, to all of you, my children. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
My heart rejoiced to hear these last words of St. Joseph. How St. Joseph gave me this night great confidence and strength in continuing my path of conversion and mission by spreading the devotion to his Most Chaste Heart. Many people have not yet understood this devotion, because they have not yet entered into the thought of God.