Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, September 9, 2018
...if my son Mark were missing here, attracting with his life totally dedicated to me and to the Lord these blessings, you would already be starving with a great famine long ago!

(Mary Most Holy): Dear children, today, when you are already celebrating here the Anniversary of my apparition in La Salette to my little children Maximino and Mélanie, I come once again from Heaven to say:
I am the Reconciler of sinners and I have come to La Salette to call all sinners to be reconciled to the Eternal Father, to my son Jesus, to the Holy Spirit for a perfect, profound and sincere conversion.
I am the Reconciler of sinners and I came to La Salette to give My Sorrowful Message and to warn My children that with their sins they themselves were provoking and generating the punishments of the Wrath of God. And so they should repent and repent and pray and be good that they may be worthy of graces and favors from the Lord.
Yes, human beings for their sins become unworthy of graces and guilty of punishments. But when they are converted they become very worthy of graces and even of miracles.
This is what I wanted to say to My little Shepherds that if everyone converted there would be heaps of wheat and potatoes and grapes and everyone would have life, joy, food and health in abundance.
If all My children would pray My Rosary, if they would do My Cenacles and the Prayer Groups that I asked for everywhere, if they would change their lives, how many blessings God would not pour out on earth!
Yes, yes, My children! If there were also souls, more soul victims full of love who dedicated their lives to God, to Me, to prayer in consecrated life how many punishments could not be avoided. How much blessing the Lord would not pour out on the crops, on the plantations, on the cities, on everyone's work and how much peace there would be on earth.
Yes, because already at the time of La Salette consecrated souls no longer prayed, they only looked for the pleasures of the world, the entertainment, the money. God's blessings stopped falling on the crops of France and came the plague, the hunger, the loss of crops and plantations.
Because these blessings only descend from Heaven to Earth because of the prayers especially of consecrated souls. So much so that you do not see the great abundance that Brazil has in its plantations, in its crops, in its flocks?
And all of this is thanks to the 'yes' of son Marcos and to his life totally dedicated to prayer, to the work for Me, and to the production of the Films of My Apparitions, My Rosaries, the Rosaries of Mercy, the Holy Hours, Thirteen and Seventh.
Yes, it is thanks to this that the crops, that the herds of your country have prospered so much in recent years. And if My son Marcos were missing here attracting with his life totally dedicated to Me and to the Lord these blessings, you would already be starving with a great famine long ago!
God rewards and blesses the lands and nations where there are souls dedicated to His service in religious life. And when a soul refuses to give its life to the Lord, it attracts many punishments, hurricanes, earthquakes, droughts, famines and shortages to the earth. Because it pays with ingratitude for the immense love of God, who has chosen the person, the soul to be all His and to live the angelic life already on this earth, the shortest, most certain and most direct way to Heaven.
The one who gives the soul the most deserving to possess Paradise, because all it does is by the vow of obedience to God. Then, because of the merits of this soul God blesses the Earth and when the soul refuses to give its 'yes' to God who chose it with such great love of preference, His Justice pours out many punishments upon the entire Earth.
Love attracts Love and ingratitude attracts Justice!
For this reason My children, always answer 'yes' to God to whatever He asks of you, following the example of My little Shepherds of La Salette, following the example of My Saint Pauline Daughter of the Dying Heart of Jesus. So God will cast His blessing on the earth because of your 'yes' and love, your lives dedicated to Him.
And then there will be abundance, life in abundance, happiness, abundance and peace!
I am the Reconciler of sinners and I come to Jacari to repeat My Message of La Salette and to finish what I began at La Salette. To this end, I desire that everyone heed My Messages, pray My Rosary every day, do penance, do works of love.
Speak less, pray more!
Speak less, renounce more your will and worldly things!
Speak less and give more works of love to God every day! Works done with Agape, Supernatural Love, so that My son Jesus may pour out His Mercy on the world and cancel the Punishments that this ungrateful humanity already causes and already attracts from His wounded Justice for so many sins.
I am the Reconciler of sinners and I come here to say to all of you My children: Live in Love, for living in love, in Supernatural Love God will live in you.
The sign of the ray of light I gave yesterday on My son Marcos Thaddeus in My Miraculous Source, means this also to you. It means that if you live in Love, in Agape Love, Supernatural Love like him you too will receive God's light, God will live in your souls and you will radiate God to all those who come to you.
And God will then touch your hard hearts, your hearts will feel God's love, you will desire to live also with God and to be one with God in love, through the united life of love.
This is how I always do it through my little son Marcos and this is also how I will do it to all of you.
Give your yes to God, live the Supernatural Agape Love with all your hearts, with all your strength and then God will live in you, you will live in God. And then the light of God through you will be seen and noticed by all, as by my little son Marcos through the mystical light of my Flame of Love, the Holy Spirit, the very presence of the Holy Trinity that I gave you to see in the sign of the procession last year.
Then this light will radiate through you to the whole world in these times of great darkness illuminating the souls that lie in darkness. And then they will see the great light of the Lord's Love, my great light, and with you, they will also desire to live in the light and be children of the light.
I am the Reconciler of sinners and I have come here to tell all of you that God loves you deeply, that I love you with all my heart and do not want your perdition, we do not want your eternal damnation.
Therefore, once again I say: Holy Day, dedicate Sunday to the Lord and Prayer, dedicate Saturday afternoon to Me, in prayer, in meditation.
During Lent do penance, on Fridays of the year do penance in honor of Jesus' sufferings and on Saturdays in honor of My sufferings.
Pray the Rosary every day. Do not blaspheme, do not curse, also try to be good, respect God, respect God's rights by practicing the Virtue of Religion and Justice. Try to be good with your neighbor and God will also be kind and merciful with you.
If you pray and change your life all the sentences of Revelation will also be changed in blessings and graces for all of you.
Here in Jacareí where I appeared terrible as the Army in battle order against My enemy, bright as the Sun, beautiful as the Moon, loving as a loving and loving Mother with her children. Once again today I say: Here I am truly consoled, first of all by My little son Marcos, who with these La Salette movies has removed thousands and thousands of thorns from My Immaculate Heart.
And he drew from My Heart an enormous sword of Pain that had been nailed into it for 160 years, and there was no one who wanted to draw it, and this My son drew it giving My Heart great relief, consolation and joy.
In Him and in everyone who lives here with Him, they give their lives to Me with Him, they dedicate themselves to Me with Him too, I am consoled, loved and glorified.
And in all My children who see these films, who spread them together with My little son Marcos, too, I find all the consolation and all the joy of My Immaculate Heart.
While you were watching the film by La Salette Here 798 swords of Pain were taken from My Heart, and 24,568 thousand thorns that the world stuck in My Heart this week alone.
Thank you My little children for so much love, for so much consolation that you give Me!
Thank you and I say: Keep watching these films to console Me, spreading them to draw swords of pain from My Heart and to dry the tears that the world continues to tear from My eyes mercilessly, cruelly every day, hour by hour.
And work to save My children and bring them to Me, for every hour that passes I lose one more son who goes into sin.
Save My children by making My Appearance of La Salette known to them and by doing My Cenacles everywhere.
Take these films to all My children, I have already asked for them Here this month and I ask again: Give 10 films of My Appearance at La Salette, 10 from #1, 10 from #2, 10 from #3 for all My children to know My Appearance to convert, change their lives and console My Heart.
Give also, 10 Hours of Peace #74, #75 and now I also desire that you give #92 to My children and also the Rosary of Mercy #40. You must give 10 of each of them to My children, so that they may return soon to the Lord of Love, Salvation and Peace.
To all I bless with Love, especially you Marcos, the most ardent apostle of my apparition at La Salette, my most obedient and dedicated son, on whom I have always been able to count and in whom I have always found an answer to all my requests about La Salette.
Also, I bless you My most beloved son Carlos Thaddeus, whom I love and to whom I have also become the apostle of My Tears and of My Message of La Salette, uniting you to My most obedient and dedicated son. The son of My Prophecies of La Salette.
Yes, to you my most beloved son whom I have made Father of the son of the Prophecies of La Salette and whom I love so much and jealously guard in the safe enclosure of my Immaculate Heart. And to all my children I now bless La Salette, Pellevoisin and Jacareí.
(St. Zenon): "Dear brothers My, I, Zenon, servant of the Lord and of the Mother of God, rejoice in coming with her today on the day of her feast.
I love you all, I pray, intercede, protect and keep you all with Love for a long time.
A long time ago the Mother of God asked me to be your protector as well, of this Shrine, of our beloved Marcos and now more recently of our beloved Carlos Thaddeus, Father of our favorite Benjamin.
How I love you all! How I love you all!
Every day I shower many graces from Heaven on everyone and never abandon anyone. And today I say to you all with love:
Pray the Rosary with Love to dry the Tears of the Mother of God. Pray it with your heart, pray it meditating deeply, pray it with perseverance, always being aware that the Mother of God looks at you during the prayer. Pray with your soul truly immersed in the Presence of God and Her in prayer.
Pray the Rosary with love, making every effort to meditate and think about the Mysteries of the Life of Jesus and Mary, to take the lessons and examples of the virtues they practiced. And above all, seeking to praise the Mother of God and the Blessed Fruit of her womb, with a purity similar to that of the Angel Gabriel, with love of the Saints and with the reverence and love of the Holy Trinity itself towards her.
Pray the Rosary with love every day, because this Prayer has already saved millions, and has already plucked millions from the clutches of the infernal dragon. Souls that he had surely would not escape him and that were already condemned.
The number of those who were saved by the power of the Most Holy Rosary cannot be counted. Pray it with love and your souls will also be saved.
Teach sinners to love and pray the Holy Rosary, don't waste your time giving them lessons, but teach them to pray the Holy Rosary first with love and to feel the grace of the Holy Rosary and the love of the Mother of God for them.
Then they will desire conversion for themselves and you didn't have to force them to anything, force them to nothing. This is how St. Dominic did and converted thousands of heretics as hardened and as hard of heart as the rocks.
And this is also how you will achieve victory and success in the conversion of sinners.
Be the mystical handkerchiefs of love, which dry the tears of the Mother of God, with a life full of prayer, sacrifice and penance living the Agape Love in your hearts, with all your strength.
The more you live this love and expand your hearts to this Flame of Love, the more powerful it will act in you and empower your prayers, producing many resounding conversions for whomever you pray and wherever you go.
And then, truly the Mother of God will repeat on earth the same wonders she did when Saint Dominic lived here. That burning soul of the Flame of Love of Her that she passed through produced resounding conversions.
If you desire this Flame of Love, expand your hearts to it and increase this Flame of Love as our beloved Marcos always did, working hard for the Mother of God, giving himself to her without rest, praying hard, suffering for her with love, emulating himself more and more to love her.
If you also increase this Flame with your efforts, she will do through you graces, wonders, resounding things that will convert sinners and they will never be the same. Then the hellish kingdom will be overthrown, and her Heart will finally triumph.
I, Zenon, will be beside you all to help you with my love and my prayer.
Give 10 Pellevoisin Red Scapulars for 10 people, and 10 Ash Scapulars of Peace for 10 people, so that their conversion will be accelerated and hastened.
If people do not accept the Scapulars, put these Scapulars in their homes or their things without their knowledge, so that the Mother of God through these Sacramentals may pour out Her Flame of Love on these hard souls like marble and make them gradually become burning with love.
I, Zenon, have been an incessant flame of love on Earth and it is My Mission to transform other souls into these flames of love.
Ask Me for the Flame of Love and I will give it to you. And increase this Flame with your effort, work and prayers and I will always give you in abundance, always more of this Flame.
To all I bless with Love and especially to you My beloved Marcos, I did not know myself until today, but, you know, I have always loved you, I have always protected and defended you. And now that you know Me, pray to Me and everything you ask of Me, I will give you.
To you and to your Spiritual Father, who you love more than life itself, more than everything.
I bless you now with Love and pour out Peace upon all.
(Marcos): "Dearest Mother in Heaven, you and Saint Zenon can have the goodness to touch and bless these rosaries that we have made for the protection of your children?
(Mary Most Holy after touching the Sacramentals): "As I have already said, wherever one of these Rosaries touched by Me and My servant Zenon arrives there We will be alive, carrying great graces and blessings from the Lord.
To all of us now we bless with Love, and especially we give a Blessing to you beloved son Cleber, Zenon is your holy protector. To you He gives a Special Blessing today, and I also bless you, entrust yourself to Him, give yourself to Him with confidence, and great blessings you will receive.
To all I leave My Peace. Good Night".