Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, March 27, 2023
Morning and Evening Apparition and Message of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Our Lady on March 12, 2023 - Feast of the Apparitions of Our Lady of Tears of Campinas
The Rosary of My Tears Will Save the World. By the Power of My Tears This Corrupted and Evil World Will Be Freed from the Satanic Yoke of My Enemy Who Now Oppresses and Devastates It

(Marcos): "I will do yes My Queen."
(Blessed Mary): "My children, today, when you celebrate here the Anniversary of My Apparitions to My little daughter Amalia, when I gave to the whole world through her the Crown of My Tears, the Rosary of My Tears for the first time, I come again from Heaven to tell you all:
The Rosary of My Tears will save the world. By the power of My Tears this corrupted and evil world will be freed from the satanic yoke of My enemy who now oppresses and devastates it. And this world will truly become the Holy Trinity's garden of beauty, grace and holiness.
The Rosary of My Tears will lead all of this humanity that is now all torn up: by violence, evil, hatred, selfishness, wars and sin, to become beautiful again... beautiful, pure and pleasing in the eyes of the Lord.
Because by the power of My Maternal Tears these wounds of humanity will be closed and healed and it will again shine with that beauty with which God created man at the beginning of Creation.
By the power of the Rosary of My Tears, also the Church, which is now completely obscured by Satan's smoke, will again shine with that glorious splendor with which she had in her beginnings.
Through the power of the Rosary of My Tears, all humanity will finally arrive and will know the new time of grace and holiness, the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart with the new Heavens and the new Earth.
But only those who love My Tears will enter this Kingdom, only those who are true Apostles of My Tears will know this new Heaven and this new Earth, that is, not only those who spread the Rosary of My Tears and the value of My Tears. But also, that they dry these Tears with their lives: of prayer, of sacrifice, of love and of total dedication to Me as My little daughter Amalia did, and as My little son Marcos does very well.
Then, truly, the power of My Tears will manifest with My flame of love and Satan will be definitively neutralized, blinded, paralyzed, and annihilated. And a new and glorious time of peace will shine for the whole world, which I announced at La Salette, on the mountain of My Tears where I appeared to My little children Maximino and Melania.
Yes, the Tears that I shed at La Salette, the Tears that I shed before My little daughter Amalia in Campinas. And finally, the Tears that I shed here before My son Marcos and through his images are the sign that in the end My Tears that are now of pain will triumph.
They will purify the whole world, they will wash the whole world from sin, they will destroy the power of the infernal empire, and they will bring to the whole world the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and of My Immaculate Heart. And finally, everyone will turn to God, God will again be served and worshipped.
Pray the Rosary of My Tears every day because the time is drawing near, and finally, the last seals will be opened and realized. May you be prepared so that you can stand by My side when My son Jesus finally comes.
Penance and Conversion, works of love, less words, more works of love.
I bless you all with love: from Campinas, from La Salette, and from Jacareí."
(Blessed Mary): "As I have already said, wherever one of these holy objects arrives there I will be alive carrying with Me the great graces of My motherly love.
My little son Marcos, because of all the meditated Rosaries of Tears that you have made for Me, also because of all the Trezenas that you have made for Me glorifying My Tears, today I will give a great gift to you and also to your father for whom you have continually offered all this.
Also, because of the Tears Movies, especially because of Tears Movie #2 which has taken very painful swords of pain out of My Heart, I will today give you a grace, a special blessing.
Wherever one of these movies is watched swords of pain will be taken from My Heart, and I will be present there pouring out the copious graces of the merits of My Tears.
To you and all My children I bless again to be happy and give My peace.
Onward! Pray, pray, pray!
The miracle of the flame of the candle* that did not burn the hands of My little son Marcos in My apparition are the great sign of the woman clothed with the sun, who appeared in the sky of Brazil and the world of this generation to tell everyone that the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart, of My Immaculate Heart, is very close.
And that here in this blessed and holy place I am alive pouring out My flame of love to all the souls who want it with their hearts."
(Sacred Heart): "My chosen souls, today I come with My Blessed Mother to tell you all: My Mother's Tears will triumph! They will triumph over this utterly fallen world, fallen in sin, in the dominion of Satan and in total rebellion against My Sacred Heart.
And these Tears of My Mother will convert millions and millions of sinners on the Second Pentecost and they will come back to Me beating their chests and recognizing Me as their only savior, as their only God. And then, by My Mother's Tears My Sacred Heart will triumph.
The Tears of My Blessed Mother will triumph and though Satan now considers himself the sure victor and the ruler of all mankind, suddenly the Tears of Mother will tear down to the ground all that he has so superbly built and then My Sacred Heart will proclaim My greatest victory.
Yes, in a way that you cannot imagine, that you cannot even dream of the Tears of My Mother will from one moment to the next purify, cleanse all of humanity from the stain of sin, from the dominion of Satan and the smoke of Satan, from the errors and the apostasy that has covered up all things and My Mother will cause this pestilent cloud of My enemy to be dispelled.
Then the new Heaven and the new Earth will come to the world and all mankind will see the light of My Sacred Heart and give Me glory.
The Tears of Mine will triumph and the whole empire of Satan will collapse and these Tears that have the power to obtain from My Sacred Heart any grace, will produce the greatest miracle of My divine Heart after I came to the world incarnated and resurrected. The miracle of the transformation of this world into My kingdom of Love, into the Kingdom of My Sacred Heart.
This is why I sent My Mother, precisely here on this earth, which is so attacked by the enemy and which is so used by him to spread so much darkness of errors throughout the world, precisely from here to proclaim, to initiate the arrival of My great triumph.
That is why I sent My Mother, My little daughter Amalia, to give the whole world, through her, the powerful and invincible weapon of the battle: the Rosary, the Crown of Tears of My Blessed Mother.
Yes, the Crown of Tears of My Mother will produce this great victory, you cannot know how, nor is it necessary, it is not up to you to know how. But the Tears of My Mother will produce the greatest victory.
From you My children, I want only one thing, unlimited trust in the power of My Mother's Tears. So, pray, spread the Rosary of My Mother's Tears to all My children all over the world.
The more this Rosary is prayed, the more My triumph, My Mother's triumph will be hastened and Satan's power will be weakened to nil.
So pray and work hard to make the treasure of My Mother's Tears known to all My children.
The Triumph of My Sacred Heart announced by Me and My Mother in Kerizinen and in so many other places will certainly be realized, but it will be realized by the power of My Mother's Tears.
Where there is the Medal of Tears of My Mother with My image, the image of Jesus Manetured, there My divine Heart will be alive with My Blessed Mother, producing and realizing the greatest graces of My divine Heart.
To all I bless with love now: from Campinas, from Dozulé and from Jacareí."
(Blessed Mary): "My children, today, on this joyous day when you celebrate here My Apparitions to My little daughter Amalia Aguirre, I come again from Heaven to tell you all.
My Tears will bring down the infernal empire! Yes, My Tears brought down this empire the first time on Calvary, freeing all mankind from the slavery of sin and Satan, and opening the gates of Heaven for all mankind.
My Tears with My yes recreated humanity destroyed by the sin of the first man and woman. And My Tears, now, will bring down the infernal empire once more to the ground and again renew all humanity disfigured and destroyed by Satan's nefarious action, especially in this century, in this generation.
My Tears will overthrow the infernal empire, and through them I will lead millions and millions of My children back to the Lord. In a way that you cannot imagine I bring down the works of Satan on earth every time you pray the Rosary of My Tears.
So, My children, pray with all confidence, for as you invoke the grace of My son Jesus through the mighty power of My Tears, I send My Angels of Light throughout the world fighting Satan and pouring these My Tears over souls. And when they fall on souls they open to the rays of the Lord's grace and get in love with Him, with My divine son Jesus.
So, pray this Rosary with all confidence certain that Heavenly Mother is working with her Angels ardently to convert and save so many of My children who would be irremediably lost, if it were not for the infinite power that Jesus has given to My Sorrows and to My Tears.
I, your Mother, will triumph through the Rosary of My Tears, that is why I not only gave this Rosary the first time to the world here on this earth that I love so much. But also, I made My little son Marcos know it already at the beginning of My Apparitions, so that he would teach all My children to pray it and thus help Me powerfully to destroy Satan's empire. Satan flees from where this Rosary is prayed and he cannot resist the power of My Tears which were truly the culmination of My Love and Pain at the foot of the cross of My son Jesus.
Yes, Tears are the truest proof of love and as I stood there watching My son die on the cross I shed these Tears of love for Him and also of love for all of humanity, which I united with My son as the co-redemptrix of humanity helped to redeem.
Thus, My Tears have infinite power before the Lord, because they are Tears of true and living love for Him and for all humanity.
There at that moment My love reached its apogee, so My Tears became Tears of Blood, because love and pain reached their apogee, the apogee of love in pure transformation.
Therefore, everything that is asked of My son Jesus in the name of My Tears is granted, because He remembers that at that moment My pain for Him and My love for Him reached its apogee. And it became a love that united with His repaired the sin of disobedience and lack of love of the first man, the first woman and all men until the end of the world.
Therefore, My children, pray the Rosary of My Tears continually, so that you can truly beg and plead with Me for the conversion and salvation of all this poor humanity, which has now finished falling into the bottom of the precipice: of violence, hatred, war, selfishness, wickedness and total lack of love and disobedience, rebellion towards the Lord.
Only My Tears can achieve the miracle that will save this humanity that has already touched the bottom of its wickedness and perversion.
So pray, pray, pray the Rosary of My Tears without ceasing. Part of My plan, especially the 9th Secret depends on there being millions of souls praying the Rosary of My Tears.
I, your Mother will come down from Heaven with all the Angels and Saints, especially those who have loved My Sorrows and Tears the most, to join in your prayers.
My little son Marcos, I told you earlier today that I will bring you a great blessing. You who have been for more than 30 years the great Apostle of My Tears.
Yes, you have taught the Rosary of My Tears to so many, so many thousands of souls. The number of souls that I have saved thanks to this Rosary that you taught My children with so much love, affection and patience is countless.
You transformed this place into a pole of great spiritual power, always praying the Rosary of My Tears. And also transmitting it every day to My children through the meditated rosaries that you made and that you every day transmit through My radio to My children all over the world.
Yes, here has become a great pole of power that destroys the works of satan and from here I can emanate My grace and My flame of love to so many nations and so many of My children.
Thanks to you My children have known the power of My Tears, the immense treasure that are My Blessed Tears. That is why I owe you so much, so much, for so many souls that you have brought back to My Immaculate Heart and to the Heart of My son Jesus through My Tears.
Almost all the souls that came here, that are here were brought here, were drawn here not only by your prayers, fasts, pains and sacrifices. But especially by the Rosaries of My Tears that you over more than 30 years have always prayed every day.
Therefore, My son, I have today a great grace to give you. I will give you the grace to choose, to choose anyone to receive today from Me 100 thousand special graces.
To your father Carlos Tadeu, My servant, My favorite son, I now give 1,829,000 (one million, eight hundred and twenty-nine thousand) blessings.
For My children who are here present, and for whom you offered the merits of the Rosaries of Tears that you recorded, of the Tremendous Liturgies, and of the movies of My Tears, especially number 1, I now pour 27,812 (twenty-seven thousand, eight hundred and twelve) blessings.
I will also give you today Seven Crowns, which represent My Seven Sorrows. These crowns are the fruit of the merits of My Sorrows and Tears, which you have always honored throughout your life by praying the Rosary of My Tears, I will place on your head today, and I will multiply your merits on Earth, and the glory you will have because of them in Heaven.
This will give you access to new and powerful graces that the Lord wants to grant not only to you, but to the souls you choose to receive them.
Therefore, My little son, receive now the Seven Crowns of the Merits of My Sorrows and Tears, and with them receive the grace and power that the Most High has granted to the merits of My Immaculate and Blessed Tears.
I bless you all with love: from Lourdes, from Campinas and from Jacareí."
(Blessed Mary): "As I have already said, wherever one of these holy objects arrives, there I will be alive with My daughter Pierina Gilli, My daughter Amalia Aguirre and also St. Raphael the Archangel carrying the great graces of the Lord.
I bless you all, especially I bless you again My little son Marcos, in Heaven still continues a great rejoicing, a great exultation of joy for the new means of communication that you have made for Me, to make known to all mankind not only My Apparitions, but also My Tears, My Tears and My Messages to My little daughter Amalia Aguirre.
Yes, finally... finally My Tears will be known as never before, since the Word became flesh. Yes, I have waited twenty centuries for your birth, I have waited twenty centuries for your growth, I have waited twenty centuries until finally you could transmit to the whole world the value and the power of My Tears.
And you, My little son, have not let Me down, you have not only spread the messages I gave you, but also the ones I gave to My little daughter Amalia, and which I asked, I asked the world so much to spread, and nobody paid any attention.
I even asked good souls, saints, and even souls chosen by Heaven, but they didn't pay any attention. And you... you were the only one who so many years ago said yes, said yes to Me, and became the Apostle of the Rosary of My Tears and then the Apostle of the Messages that I gave to My little daughter Amalia.
Yes, you were the one who so many years ago said yes, said yes to Me and became the Apostle of the Rosary of My Tears and then Apostle of the Messages that I gave to My little daughter Amalia.
Yes, you are the greatest Apostle of My Tears and now thanks to the new means of communication that you have made for Me, My Tears will be known as never before in the history of mankind in all the languages of the world.
It will truly be the height of My Tears and the Triumph of My Tears. This is why Satan fears you so much, fears you so much and fears this place so much, because he knows that truly in this new enterprise, in this new offensive you will be fatal to him. That's why he provokes and has provoked so many, so many problems to wear you down and discourage you, because he feared this time would come.
Now go ahead, crush My enemy with the power of My Tears by placing in the hands of My children the priceless treasure of the Rosary of My Tears, to form together with you the phalanx of the souls who love My Tears, the warriors of My Tears, to crush all evil in the whole world.
Yes, I waited twenty centuries for your birth, so that finally My Tears would be known throughout the world through you. And now that this has happened, the Hour of My Tears has come, it is the hour of the triumph of My Tears when I will truly overthrow the infernal empire.
Forward My son, don't be discouraged by the hardness of hearts, these hard souls that don't value what you do, one day they will repent, but it will already be late, the fiery gates of hell will have already closed behind their backs, they will moan, shed tears of blood, but it will be too late.
Each one is free to choose Heaven and Hell, eternal life or eternal death, you must only take My light, My grace and offer salvation by putting it within everyone's reach, the rest is up to each one.
Rest in peace in the knowledge that you have always done and have done everything, everything you can to save everyone and make Me triumph in everyone's hearts. But you My son are not responsible for each one's decisions, and each one will bear those consequences for all eternity, the consequences of their decisions.
So remain in My peace and go forward, go forward now and make all, all the souls of the whole world know the power of My Tears, so that I can finally manifest myself with all My power to lead all humanity finally to the Triumph of the Heart of My Son and My Heart.
My Son Jesus declared John the Baptist voice declared crying in the wilderness, declared My daughter Faustina secretary of his mercy, declared My daughter Consolante Betrone of act of love. And I declare you secretary, dispenser and ambassador of My Tears to the whole world.
I declare you truly: apostle, warrior, ambassador of My Tears to the whole world, and dispenser of the graces of My Tears to the whole world.
Go forward My son, go forward carrying the power of My Tears, which will save millions of My children all over the world.
To you that I made like My little daughter Bernadette, stay so many minutes with your hand in the flame of the candle* without getting burned.
To you that I have transformed into the great living sign for the whole world, once again I bless and say: Go ahead, I will give you the victory by the power of My Tears and My Love.
May everyone meditate more on the miracle of the candle flame* that did not burn the hand of My son Marcos, in My Apparition to him in 1994. By meditating and reflecting on this miracle everyone will recognize by the light of the grace of the Holy Spirit who is here speaking and giving these heavenly messages for so many years.
You will understand that it is My son Marcos, you will understand the greatness of My work of salvation here.
You will understand the great grace I have given to each one, though unworthy by their sins, the grace I have given to be a part of this work of salvation.
You will understand your responsibilities and the gravity of your disobedience and sins.
Finally, each one will understand the greatness of this last grace that was given and is given for all mankind. And then everyone will bear the fruits of love that My Son desires, that I desire, and will understand that on earth, on this generation, there is no place that I love more, no soul, no son that I love more than My son Marcos and than this place.
To all I bless again that you may be happy and I give My peace."
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Video of the Morning Apparition
Video of the Evening Apparition
Listen to the Radio "Mensageira da Paz"
See also...
The Apparition of Our Lady at Jacareí
The Apparition of Our Lady at Lourdes
The Apparition of Our Lady at La Salette