Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, May 22, 2016
Sunday, May 22, 2016

Sunday, May 22, 2016: (Holy Trinity Sunday)
The Eternal Father said: “I AM WHO AM, is greeting you, My son. This Sunday celebrates Our Holy Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. You just celebrated Pentecost and honored the Holy Spirit. We are Three Persons in One God, which is a mystery for people to understand. You have to think of each Person separately, but We are always Present together. So when you receive My Beloved Son, Jesus in Holy Communion, you are receiving all of Us at once. This was true of Jesus’ Baptism, and when Jesus was transfigured on Mt. Tabor. When you give glory and praise to Us, your ‘Glory Be’ prayer is the best prayer to acknowledge all of Us. When you pray your novena prayers to St. Therese, your twenty-four ‘Glory Be’ prayers are most effective. This is why We do not want you to have any fear of the evil ones, because We created all the angels both good and bad, and they are subject to Our power. This is also why you need to have more trust in Our protection from the evil ones. You have been given powerful guardian angels to protect you and guide you. You also have prayed to St. Michael to guide you and help you on your travels. So all of My children should not be afraid of anyone, because they need to have trust in Our help and Our protection. Listen to the words of My Son when He said to His apostles: ‘Peace be with you.’”
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