Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Raise your voices and enlighten your priests!
- Message No. 339 -

My child. My dear child. I love you.
God the Father: write, My beloved daughter, for My Word has yet to be heard, received and acted upon by many souls.
My child. Time is pressing. More and more your society is moving away from My Son, and those who officially swore their allegiance to HIM are the ones who are now pushing HIM, your Holy Jesus, more and more out of your churches, under the guise of "equality", of "philanthropy, racial friendliness", with the aim of the "One World Church", which will completely take away your Jesus and where - instead of praying to God, our Lord - the beast is worshipped.
My children! Open your eyes and ears and do not let this happen! Fight back! And be sure that NOBODY can take Jesus away from you, because whoever lives with HIM, who has given HIM his YES, carries HIM in his heart, and there HE will always be with you!
So do not be afraid and never despair! But raise your voices and enlighten your priests! Soon nothing will be as it once was, and whoever participates in the worship of the beast will be lost!
Tell this to your priests and pray for them, for dire times are approaching for them and Our true, sincere, believing children! Prepare yourselves for these now coming times and hold on to your holy books and objects and above all: Save the crosses of your Lord! Celebrate your Holy Masses then in secret and prepare everything for it already now! Gather everything that is still pure and holy, so that you are "provided" for the days of evil!
My children. Pray to Us! To Me, your Holy Mother in Heaven and to Jesus, who loves you so much! Pray to the Holy Spirit, HE may enlighten ALL hearts and to the Father, HE may intervene. His Holy Hand will bring many chastisements, but you must pray, My children, that the tribulation will not be too bad for you and your fellow brothers and sisters.
The purifications you see now more worldwide. Recognize them as such, for it is the Lord who makes the winds rage, the seas roar and the earth quake. Much fire will still follow if you do not convert and repent!
The Lord God, Our Father in Heaven, loves each one of His children, but you must confess to HIM of your own free will and in deep love, for he who lives with the Lord will be spared! He will be protected, guided and loved!
So turn back and walk the rest of the way, which remains for you here on this so beautiful earth, with HIM! If every child found his way to Him, your world would already be a paradise, but since so many turned away, you have given the devil more and more power over your world and yourselves.
So turn back! And come to the Father, and His all-embracing love and care will also be given to you. So be it.
Never be afraid, not even Our beloved priests, because whoever sincerely believes in My Son, loves HIM and lives with HIM, he is protected and he is guided, and nothing can harm the beast to his soul.
I love you. Have courage! And persevere!
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all the children of God. Amen.
"Amen, I say this to you: Whoever does not repent, whoever becomes weak and gives himself to the beast, turns away from Me and will not attain Paradise.
So repent, confess Me, and My mercy will be bestowed upon you, My love will embrace you, and My Kingdom will become your home.
So be it.
I love you.
Your Jesus."
Thank you, My daughter.
Source: ➥