Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Thursday, January 4, 2007

In the afternoon.

Jesus speaks during the retreat in Wigratzbad from January 2-5, 2007.


Jesus says: All men will bow their knees before me on earth, in heaven, and under the earth. Yes, My beloved ones, so it will be in a short time. Have a little more patience. It is My time, My children. An amazing earth will come into being and all will rejoice in the harmony among men, for peace will be among men. My beloved ones, a great promise awaits you. But right now you are experiencing a great persecution of Christians. I am staying with you and also My mother will never leave you. She suffers with you and for you. How painful it is for My mother to see you suffering like this.

Come to my crib. There you will receive a rich blessing of grace. I became man for you and yet I was also God. Not only like a man did I feel hunger and cold, but like God, to a much greater extent. I have suffered everything to embrace you with all tenderness. I would like to repeat this every year at my birth. Look at my infinite love. This love never ends. My heart trembles when I look at you with my heart burning with love. My heart always longs for you. I always want to give you presents. Pass on my love, you who have been given it. When I draw you to me, you experience the bliss that you will not and cannot experience on earth.

My children, give Me your suffering and your diseases. It is only I who heals. Do not believe in things that are meant to heal you. You will be confused and the evil one can enter into you and this burden will continue to spread. At some point, these people reach the limits of possibility. Then they are ready to remember the meaning of their life. I seize this chance, because I want to lead all people back to me. Repent, sacrifice and pray, especially in your time of bruising. The liberation will be wonderful, even unbelievable. Gratitude will fulfill you.


