Final Preparations
Important Appeal from God The Father to All!
Before I unleash My Arm with ALL Its Force, AGAINST Planet Earth, I want to INVITE EVERY PERSON to follow My Indications and My Instructions that I will give in this Message because I want EVERY PERSON, to be SAVED and to come to Return to My House from where he/she came, from where he/she left and from where he/she is. (Continue...)
Red Alert
The END of our Freedom, of our Existence
The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world,
its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of
vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic;
these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that
will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast,
to millions of human beings.
Instructions for Preparing Remedies
Various remedies given from Heaven to overcome the Hardships of these End Times
Table of Contents
Instructions for This Year 2025, regarding Diseases, Pandemics and Unknown Viruses
Message of Saint Raphael Archangel to Latin-American Mystic, Lorena on January 26, 2025

I, Saint Raphael the Archangel, the Archangel of Health, come in the Name of Heaven to give you instructions for this year 2025, regarding Diseases, Pandemics and Unknown Viruses that are released by Laboratories belonging to the Elite, who want to wipe out the population by depleting it, using Transgenic Diseases that mutate to become Deadly Viruses.
For this, which will soon come to Humanity, as the Archangel of Health, I want to give you a Remedy that will serve you for these New Diseases and Lethal Viruses that are going to kill, to make you more mortal.
This Remedy is Easy to Prepare and Economical, It Will Be Used:
᛭ 3 Red Roses preferably, if not, another color you can find.
᛭ But it is IMPORTANT that they have been placed first on the Altar of the Virgin of Guadalupe (in front of a picture) for at least 3 days.
᛭ You will take 1 liter of Water and mix the Petals of the Roses in it.
᛭ Together with 3 drops of Honey.
᛭ And ½ tablespoon of Exorcised Salt.
᛭ If the water is blessed, all the better.
᛭ When mixed, you will pray 1 x Rosary to Our Lady of Guadalupe and will end with the Magnificat.
Once prepared, take a small spoonful before each meal as prevention, and if you have already been infected with the disease, take 2 small spoonfuls before each meal accompanied by Prayer, preferably 1 Rosary.
You will do this until you notice improvement in your health and if it is as prevention you will do it indefinitely.
When you get better you will take instead of 2 spoonfuls, one spoonful indefinitely as an aid and prevention to this disease.
Each liter of Water takes the Petals of the 3 roses, 3 Drops of Honey and ½ spoonful of Exorcised Salt.
You will pray in a state of Grace and with much faith, praying 1 Rosary while preparing it and the Magnificat, YOU WILL BE HEALED OF ALL MORTAL ILLNESS AND CAN ONLY BE HEALED WITH REMEDIES FROM HEAVEN.
Remember to make your Life Confession as soon as possible and to live following the Commandments, I call you to Confession, Fasting and Penance and Works of Charity.
I, the Archangel of Health, will guide you on this journey to the Heavens and New Earth.
I leave you in the Peace of Christ.
Who is Like God? No One is Like God!!!
Holy Mother of Guadalupe – Pray for Us
Most Holy Virgin of Guadalupe, Queen of Angels and Mother of the Americas. We come to You today as Your beloved children. We ask You Mother to intercede for us in our physical and spiritual needs together with Your Son our Lord Jesus Christ, as You did at the Wedding at Cana.
Pray Mother for us, Loving Mother of Health, and obtain for us, our families and the whole World, the Protection of Your Holy Angels, that we may be saved from the worst of these diseases that afflict Humanity. And for those who are already afflicted by them, we ask You Mother of Guadalupe to grant them the Grace of Healing and Deliverance from these diseases.
Hear Mother the cries of those who are vulnerable and fearful, dry their tears and help them to trust and be healed in You.
In this time of difficulty and trial, teach us all in the Church to love one another not to falter in the Faith and to be patient and kind to our neighbor. Help us to bring the Peace of Jesus to our Earth and to carry it always in our hearts. We come to You Most Holy Mother with trust and faith, knowing that You are truly our compassionate Mother, the Health of the sick and the Cause of our joys.
Shelter us Mother of Guadalupe, under the Holy Mantle of Your Love and Protection, keep us always Healed and Protected from all evil and sickness in Your Maternal Embrace and help us to know, to love and to be always faithful to Your Son our Lord Jesus Christ and to live always under His Holy and Divine Will. Amen.
Credo: I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, Our Lord, Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified; died, and was buried. He descended into Hell; the third day He arose again from the dead; He ascended into Heaven, sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.
I CONFESS to almighty God and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do,
Through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault;
Therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God. Amen.
(In the Bible see Jeremiah 31:19: "whenever I redeem myself... I beat my breast.")
Contemplate Soul in this Mystery the Anguish and Sadness manifested by our Savior in the Prayer in the Garden.
Graces from the Mystery of the Agony of Jesus in the Garden, descend to our souls and to the whole World. Amen.
"Our Father", ten "Hail Marys", a "Glory Be" and the Ejaculations.
Contemplate Soul how that soldier with fury scourged the Divine Back of Our Savior, and contemplate that Blood which Our Lord shed for the Salvation and Conversion of sinners.
Graces of the Mystery of the Flagellation of Jesus, descend to our souls and to the whole World. Amen.
"Our Father", ten "Hail Marys", a "Glory Be" and the Ejaculations.
Behold soul the fury and fury with which the Divine Head of Our Savior was Crowned, the Temple of Wisdom opened in contact with the sharp thorns that wounded His Temples, in this Mystery you will be Cured of Spiritual Diseases.
Graces of the Mystery of the Crowning of Thorns, descend to our souls and to the whole World. Amen.
"Our Father", ten "Hail Marys", a "Glory Be" and the Ejaculations.
Behold soul the Anguish, Fatigue and Suffering of Our Savior and the Suffering of Our Blessed Mother Mary, here spouses and parents will be Reconciled with their children.
May the graces of the Mystery of the Cross descend upon our souls and upon the entire world. Amen.
"Our Father", ten "Hail Marys", a "Glory Be" and the Ejaculations.
Contemplate soul how Your Savior Forgave All Sins Excluding none and contemplate the Tears of Your Blessed Mother Mary for the Protection of Priests.
Graces of the Mystery of the Crucifixion of Jesus, descend to our souls and to the whole World. Amen.
"Our Father", ten "Hail Marys", a "Glory Be" and the Ejaculations.
• Oh my Jesus, forgive us of our sins. Save us from the fires of hell. Lead all souls into heaven, especially those in most need of Thy mercy. Amen.
• My God, I Believe, I Worship, I Hope, and I Love Thee; and I ask Thee Pardon for those who do not Believe, do not Worship, do not Hope, and do not Love Thee.
• O Most Sweet Mother of Guadalupe Mother of Healing! Through Thy Tears and Sorrows may the Eternal Merciful Father grant us True Repentance of all our sins, Healing of Body, Mind and Soul, and may the Flame of Love of Thy Immaculate Heart burn in the hearts of all men bringing us Faith, Hope and Peace. Amen
Hail, holy Queen, Mother of mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope. To Thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve: to Thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn then, most gracious Advocate, Thine eyes of mercy toward us, and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of Thy womb, Jesus. Oh clement, Oh loving, Oh sweet Virgin Mary! Pray for us Oh Holy Mother of God, that we may be worthy of the promises of Christ.
This Prayer prayed Three Times at the end of the Rosary is equivalent to 9 Rosaries prayed together.
God Greet Thee, Mary Daughter of God the Father (Make a bow)
God Greet Thee, Mary Mother of God the Son (Make a bow)
God Greet Thee, Mary Bride of the Holy Spirit! (Make a bow)
O Mary I greet Thee 33 thousand times, as the Archangel St. Gabriel greeted Thee.
Gabriel. It is the Joy of Thy Heart and of my heart that the Holy Archangel has brought You the Heavenly Greeting of Jesus Christ. Amen
(say it 3 times along with 1 Hail Mary each time)
To obtain the Indulgences of the Holy Rosary, 1 "Our Father" is prayed, 1 "Hail Mary" and 1 "Glory Be" for the intentions of the Holy Father and for the Holy Souls in Purgatory.
My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked with favor on the lowliness of his servant. Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for the Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is his name. His mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation. He has shown strength with his arm; he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts. He has brought down the powerful from their thrones, and lifted up the lowly; he has filled the hungry with good things, and sent the rich away empty. He has helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy, according to the promise he made to our ancestors, to Abraham and to his descendants forever. Amen
Holy Mother of Guadalupe Queen and Mother of Health - Pray and Intercede for us, Amen. (3 times)
Relief from the Negative Vaccination Effects
All those who have been vaccinated for lack of knowledge, faith or fear and are sheep of My flock, I say do not fear, for there is a hope for you. If you pray My Rosary of the Precious Blood and Wounds along with the Litany of My Blood in faith as a novena* and ask Me that My Blood destroy the harmful effects of the vaccine in your body, I will free you from its harmful effects by My mercy and seal you with My Blood. (Jesus)
* Novena means to pray the Rosary and Litany once a day for 9 consecutive days.
Rosary to the Precious Blood
Make the sign of the cross †
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Apostles' Creed ...
On the 1st bead: Our Father ...
3 x Hail Mary...
at the 1st "Hail Mary" is inserted:
... Jesus, who increases faith in us ...
at the 2nd "Hail Mary" is inserted:
... Jesus, who strengthens hope in us ...
at the 3rd "Hail Mary" is inserted:
... Jesus, who kindles love in us ...
1 x Glory be to the Father ...
Each rosary set consists of one "Our Father", ten "Hail Mary" and one "Glory be to the Father". Thereby, on each decade (10 beads), a different insertion is prayed at each of the "Hail Mary" prayers:
(I) ... Jesus, through Your Mother, O Jesus, immerse us eternally in Your Precious Blood ... (10x)
(II) ... Jesus, through Your Mother, O Jesus, take us eternally into Your wounded heart.... (10x)
(III) ... Jesus, through Your Mother, O Jesus, hide us eternally in Your Holy Wounds.... (10x)
(IV) ... Jesus, through Your Mother, O Jesus, give us Your love of the cross and of suffering, and perfect conformity to the will of the Father.... (10x)
(V) ... Jesus, through Your Mother, O Jesus, press the features of Your face eternally into our hearts.... (10x)
After each "Glory be to the Father" we pray:
Eternal Father I offer to You in the name of all through Mary forever the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ for the conversion of sinners and youth and for the expiation of the sins of the whole world.
At the end of the rosary:
O Jesus, Divine Savior, have mercy on us. Mercy to us and to the whole world. Amen. Grace and mercy, my Jesus, during the present danger. Cover us with Your Precious Blood. Amen.
Eternal Father, show us mercy in the name of the Holy Blood of Your only Son.
Litany to the Precious Blood
(for the Poor Souls)
(The invocations "redeem them" can also be replaced by "save us")
Lord, have mercy on them.
Christ, have mercy on them.
Lord, have mercy on them.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father from heaven, have mercy on them.
God Son, Savior of the world, have mercy on them.
God Holy Spirit, have mercy on them.
Holy Trinity, one united God, have mercy on them.
Blood of Christ, the only begotten Son of the eternal Father, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, the incarnate Word of God, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, of the New and Everlasting Covenant, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, running to the earth in the anguish of death, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, shed at the scourging, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, shed at the crowning of thorns, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, shed on the cross, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, purchase price of our salvation, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, only forgiveness of sins, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, in the sacrament of the altar potion and purification of souls, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, stream of mercy, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, vanquisher of all evil spirits, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, strong courage of the martyrs, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, strength of the confessors, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, life source of virgin souls, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, support of the vulnerable, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, relief of the suffering, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, comfort of those who weep, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, hope of the penitent, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, hope of the dying, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, peace and delight of all hearts, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, pledge of eternal life, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, deliverance from the depths of purgatory, redeem them.
Blood of Christ, supremely worthy of all honor and glory, redeem them.
Lamb of God, You take away the sins of the world; spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, You take away the sins of the world; spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, You take away the sins of the world; have mercy on us.
Let us pray! O my Savior, who in immeasurable love for our salvation have shed Your Precious Blood to the last drop; let it now flow into Purgatory, so that suffering souls, cleansed from all stain, may enter Heaven and praise and glorify You forever. Amen. We beseech You, Lord, come to the aid of Your servants whom You redeem by Your Precious Blood.
See also:
Instruction for praying the Most Holy Rosary
The Oil of the Good Samaritan
Message From the Blessed Virgin Mary to Her Beloved Daughter Luz de Maria on January 28, 2020

Great pestilences, plagues generated by unknown viruses are advancing upon humanity: use the oil of the Good Samaritan as protection faced with a case of a highly contagious disease where you live – the quantity of the head of a pin on the earlobes will suffice. If the number of those infected increases, you should put it on both sides of your neck and on the wrists of both hands.
Ingredients: 5 Pure essential oils + 1 Base oil
Essential oils: Cinnamon oil, Clove oil, Lemon oil, Rosemary oil, Eucalyptus oil
Base oil: It can be olive oil, almond oil or mineral oil. The ratio should be 1 of pure oil for 5 of base oil.
Preparation: Add all 5 pure essential oils (cinnamon + clove + lemon + rosemary + eucalyptus) along with the base oil (olive oil or almond oil or mineral oil, choose one) and mix with a wooden spoon until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
Recommendations: Prepare it in a cool place without exposing the oils to direct light. Wear gloves and use a glass container. Try the mixture on your forearm and wait 25 minutes. When the skin turns red, add plenty of water or lavender oil, and the redness gradually disappears. To avoid such an effect, add more of the same base oil that was used to make the mixture. Do not expose oils to much air. It is better to keep them in a closed amber glass container so that it does not evaporate. The oil should be inaccessible to children.
Dosage and application:
Before each use move the container softly so the oils get mixed.
Apply a few drops directly to the temples, neck, ears, armpits and abdomen or rub the joints or sole of the foot.
To purify the air and eliminate viruses from the environment, home or office put a few drops in a diffuser,
vaporizer or atomizer, or a pan of boiling water.
Another type of application: Put about 3 to 4 drops of oil in a piece of cloth, handkerchief,
dust mask or cotton ball and put it on your mouth.
Contraindications: Do not use an essence on the skin directly without first diluting it in base oil. The oils alone are irritating and must be handled with care. For sensitive skin only apply to the sole of the foot. Its use is not recommended in children under 3 years. Pregnant women should consult a professional about the harmful effects of essential oils.
The recipe that the Blessed Virgin Mary has given us contains pure essential oils. If these cannot be found, you can get the corresponding herbs for each essential oil. With the same measure of each place the leaves and the cinnamon sticks one by one in a slow cooker (ceramic electric) or in a double boiler (water bath, bain marie) and add a base oil, enough to cover them 2 cm above them, and cook for 8 hours; let cool, pour into glass container. Although the concentration is not equal to that of essential oils, as it is not a distillation process, it can be helpful for the cases described above, but not as effective as the essences are. In all countries you can find these essences to make the mixture. It is recommended to stay in prayer during the preparation.
Source: ➥
The Oil of Saint Michael the Archangel
Treatment of skin diseases, like Leprosy
Recipe for the preparation of St. Michael the Archangel Oil

Coconut oil is used as the base oil and geranium essential oil and lavender essential oil are added.
To half a liter of coconut oil, add 5 ml of geranium essential oil and 5 ml of lavender essential oil. Stir and pack it in small bottles, preferably amber colored. If amber bottles are not available, it can be stored in transparent bottles in a cool place, away from direct light.
(*) Geranium, family Geraniaceae, is a medicinal plant that Heaven has recommended because it has properties that favor the treatment of skin diseases and antibiotics. It is applied to the affected places in moderation. It can be used once a day and more times depending on the case, without overdoing it so as not to irritate the skin.
Source: ➥
The Oil of Saint Joseph
Message given by Saint Joseph to Brother Agustin of the Divine Heart
on March 26, 2009

Heed the wise advice of my beloved wife, Mary, keep it in your heart, meditate about it and live according to it. Keep the simplicity and purity of your heart so that you are true offerings of love to the Divine Victim.
Don't put me aside in your lives, I was the only man on earth in which God found complacency. Give me your inner life and I will enrich it. I will give you a gift tonight, beloved children of my Son Jesus: The Oil of St. Joseph. An Oil that will be a Divine help for this end of time; an oil that will serve you for your physical health and your spiritual health; an oil that will free you and protect you from the enemy's stalking. I am the terror of demons and, therefore, today I put in your hands my blessed oil.
Spread it, it will be useful for all mankind. Men will receive rest from their spiritual, physical and moral sorrows. Prepare it as follows:
1. Take a quarter of olive oil (250 milliliters) and seven lilies. In case of not getting lilies you can change it for roses (7 roses), of any color, less white than those of the Blessed Virgin. The rest of the instruction remains the same.
2. Put the lilies (or roses) for seven days in front of my (blessed) image.
3. Then, peel the petals and put it in the oil and heat it on low heat for seven minutes.
4. Take the petals out of the oil, drain them well and keep the oil.
During the seven days I will pour graces, special blessings on those lilies. That is my oil, beloved children, the Oil of St. Joseph.
I repeat it to you. It will be a breastplate that will protect you, against every demonic spirit, it will strengthen you in your trials, it will encourage you in your walk, it will heal your body, spirit and soul. I repeat, the oil of St. Joseph: seven lilies placed in front of my image for seven days, referring to my seven pains and seven joys; In addition the number seven indicates perfection and I will give you, through the daily anointing with this oil: perfection and growth in your inner life.
When you feel despondency, anoint yourself in your chest and you will receive strength, relief. When you suffer on your body, anoint yourself. Anoint with my oil the sick of body and soul. Anoint with my oil the possessed, the demonized, the devil will flee from all these people who are attacked by the spirits of the underworld.
How heaven consents you; how heaven deposits great treasures in your hands. Saint Joseph oil: healing balm, releasing balm, regenerating balm.
I love you, beloved children of my Son Jesus.
I bless you Amen.
At eight days later (April 3), Saint Joseph says:
You have already obtained the first oil. Make many people do it. This oil is healing, it is a balm of peace for the soul. When you feel trouble apply it to your chest and you will receive peace. The oil and lilies should be placed on a Wednesday (before the blessed image of St. Joseph) and on the following Wednesday prepare it (points 3 and 4 described above in the previous message) on my day dedicated to my worship and my devotion. This oil has great graces, great blessings. Anoint daily and keep a reserve of this oil. Do not forget to bring my scented lilies and make more oil, from Wednesday to Wednesday, so that you have a supply.
Padre Pio about the Oil of St. Joseph
Padre Pio says in a separate part of his speech to Augustine of the Divine Heart, on December 26, 2010, about the Oil of St. Joseph as follows:
"You are at the end of time, the great tribulation is coming. Have sufficient reserve of St. Joseph's oil. A great epidemic will spread like a plague. This oil will be the antidote, the medicine."
The Oil of San Rafael, Archangel of God
Message from Saint Raphael, Archangel of God, to a chosen soul of the Lord, named Herald
on June 24, 1993 at 2:55 pm

Herald, San Rafael Archangel speaks to you. Take olive oil as a substitute for my previous indication. Bring this oil (approximately ¼ liter to boil along with 30 rose petals* plus a whole rose*, when it starts to boil, put the fire out.). This gives you a balm that will relieve any illness or suffering. If you apply this balm, say the following prayers:
I believe in God, the father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.
Now repeat the following sentence 3 times:
Oh Mother of God, Mary Rose Mystic, grant me together with the Archangel Saint Raphael, the Angel of Healing, the grace to feel a deep pain for my sins and implore your Holy Name three times before God, so that He grant me, divine help in my present illness. Amen.
Now repeat three times:
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Message from San Rafael to Herald
on October 2, 1993 at 12:35 pm

“Herald, San Rafael Archangel speaks to you, Heaven poured out a vigorous blessing on my healing oil. Multiply my oil! The men who are going to use it should apply it on any disease, but first they must say the prayer that I have given you. Those who are going to use it should not sell it. This oil has the blessing from heaven. Highly appreciate this oil and always honor it.”
* The rose petals are those that have been placed before the image of the Virgin Mary Mystic Rose for 7 days. (No matter the color).
Good Friday Oil for Healing, Protection and Deliverance

Jesus: My people, I want you to be prepared to make your holy oil on Good Friday at 3:00 a.m. You were given the instructions on the internet how to make this oil that can only be made on Good Friday. Pass out copies for the people so they can prepare this oil. This oil will have healing properties when it is needed, and it could even heal vaccinated people from dying with the next virus attack. I will call My faithful to My refuges before the next virus attack. (Read the full Message to John Leary)
Make preparations on Holy Thursday evening. At 3 a.m. Good Friday, with the olive oil in the bowl, drop the wick and the lid into the middle of the bowl so that the wick floats on top. Light the wick. As the wick is burning, pray 33 times the Apostles Creed for the 33 years of the life of our savior JESUS CHRIST, and pray 7 times the Hail Holy Queen for the 7 sorrows of Our Holy Mother Mary. When the prayers are completed and the flaming wick is out, take a syringe and draw the oil out, placing it into the containers. Place the lids firmly on the containers. Place labels on the containers, marking them as “GOOD FRIDAY OIL”
Oil may be used to make the Sign of the Cross on the forehead of a sick person for healing and prayers for protection against impurities or temptation.
This recipe was given by Our Lady during an apparition at the Holy Mountain of San Lorenzo in Puerto Rico (1899-1910). This same recipe was given by St. Joseph to Saint Andrew Bessette of Canada (1845-1937).
Source: ➥ John Leary
Cure for Covid 19
CDMX Barefoot Carmelite Sisters from Coatzacoalcos offer a remedy to cure Covid 19. It was given to them by our Holy Mother through a revelation.

1 Liter of Honey
3 Large cloves of Garlic
7 Lemons
1 Pinch of Ginger
1 Handful of Oregano
2 - 3 Eucalyptus leaves
Prepare the syrup:
In the liter of honey add the 3 large cloves of garlic chopped. Well chopped.
Squeeze 7 lemons to the same liter of honey.
Add a pinch of ginger.
Prepare the tea:
Prepare a well-dosed tea with a handful of oregano and 2 to 3 leaves of eucalyptus. Make the tea strong.
Way to take the remedy:
Add a teaspoon of the syrup to a cup of the hot tea. Take 3 times (morning, noon and night).
When you wake up in the morning, take one more.
Our Blessed Mother makes sure that the person is liberated by this,
The next day you feel the improvement immediately.
Treatment of hemorrhaging illness Marbug
The hemorrhaging illness, a pestilence that in a dream titled Prayers of the enemy,” that I had from 1-15-22 through 1-16-22 which God revealed the name Marburg for this disease/virus/illness. It has already been released. I don’t know how contagious it is our how it is passed from person to person!
This sickness in the last stages, in its severest state will cause you to bleed out of all your body orifices… your body openings… eyes, ears… any part that has an opening as death nears.
For the Marburg, Jesus has told me to make Yarrow tea using 1 teaspoon of the dried Yarrow to every 4 ounces of water and this would aid in stopping the internal bleeding. Again, I have had very little knowledge of herbs, but God is giving me a crash course as I seek him about how to heal if he chooses not to heal instantly as he can do. This is why he has been speaking to me about his own hand made remedies he created for us in nature.
Source: ➥
Treatment of Leprosy-type flesh eating illness
The Leprosy-type disease/virus/illness will as it progresses cause deep sores that will eat your flesh away. Some will have abscess in them if not all of the deeper ones. It is highly contagious to the touch. I don’t know if it has been released as of yet!
For the Leprosy-type flesh eating pestilence I have been instructed to make a poultice with Burdock root, onion and garlic. Also ginger root can be added too. Let me stress to you the fact that I have never made a poultice before so I looked on the internet and found there are so many different ways, I had no clue which one I would need. I then began praying again asking my lovely Jesus, “How do you make a poultice for this sickness,” and he has shown me and I will Lord willing provide all this information after I get it fully condensed.
See also the Oil of Archangel St. Michael
Source: ➥
Medicinal Plants by Luz de Maria
JULY 18, 2022
A NEW VIRUS APPEARS.... I call you to use the plant called Fumaria oficinalis L. (16) in its stems, flowers and leaves, Marigold (Calendula) (15) for the skin and Garlic .
(16) Earth smoke (Fumaria officinalis) : Earth fumitory is also popularly called field fumitory, blue fumitory, earth fumitory, grind fumitory, scratch fumitory, smoke fumitory, grape fumitory, common fumitory, drug fumitory. The leaves look gray-green as if they were smoked. Originally, the earth smoke comes from the Eurasian region. Today, however, it can be found almost worldwide in fields, gardens and rubble areas. The best time to harvest it is in the summer, when the plant blooms in June and July. The herb is dried and cut after harvesting. Pour 250 ml of cold water over 1 tsp of dried fumitory herb. Heat slowly until just before boiling. Allow to steep for 10 minutes and drain. 3 cups daily, ideally before meals.
April 4, 2019
A strange illness is coming to humanity, high fevers and wounded skin will be a scourge from one instant to another, for which you should use the plant called CALENDULA (15).
(15) CALENDULA (Calendula officinalis) : Often known as Marigold. Flowers and leaves can be eaten and be used in compresses and skin baths. Skin burns: reduces inflammation and pain, stimulates skin regeneration and collagen production. Aids in dermatitis treatment and heals wounds, improving cracks in skin, dryness, or sores. Used for acne and viral warts. When applied to skin it provides antioxidant protection, that reduces appearance of wrinkles and skin spots, and scars. Tea: add 1 teaspoon of calendula flowers or petals in a bowl; add one cup of boiling water. Cover and leave to rest for 5 minutes. Sweeten with honey or dark sugar. Tincture or crushed in alcohol: 5 to 10 drops taken in 3 daily doses, mixed with natural juice or mineral water. Cold or hot compresses: place crushed flowers in a fine cloth to relieve inflammation or pain. Burns: crushed leaves and flowers in oil (preparation of calendula oleates) is very effective in case of burns and other mild skin disorders. Decoction and infusion can be used in baths, washes and cold or warn pads.
JANUARY 3, 2019
Remain on alert: serious epidemics are appearing before humanity and they attack the respiratory system, for which I call you to use PINUS NEEDLES/LEAVES (14), with extreme prudence, in doses no greater than twice a day, in the form of tea.
(14) PINUS (Pinus sylvestris) : Christ mentioned to me that Pinus is the tree known as Scots/Scotch pine, red pine, white pine; the pine exists throughout almost the whole world. It belongs to the Pinaceae family, Pinus sylvestris. Boil three tablespoons of dried pine needles/leaves in a liter of water (4.22 cups), take one cup twice a day. Not to be used by very small children or pregnant women.
The Blessed Virgin Mary
MAY 24, 2017
Serious illnesses are approaching that attack the digestive system; use the plant known as ANGELICA (13) and use the whole plant properly, pregnant women being cautious. A disease is coming that will attack the eyes; for this, use the plant known as EUPHRASIA (12).
(13) Angelica (Angelica archangelica L.) Ghost Spirit Herb or Herb of the Angels (It receives its name due to a belief that it was a gift of Saint Gabriel Archangel to a wise hermit so that he could fight the plague that ravaged Europe during the Middle Ages). Infusions and decoctions with crushed root, most active part of the plant, 20 to 30 grams per liter of water. Tender leaves and seeds can be added. Take 1 cup of tea before each meal, 3 times a day. (...)
(12) Eufrasia (Euphrasia officinalis) Infusion 2-3 g per cup, infuse 10 min. Take 3 cups a day after meals. Compresses, eye drops or eye baths, gargles, nasal washes or instillations. Add 5 tablespoons in 250 ml of boiling water, leave 10 min. in infusion, apply poultice as hot as possible, wrapped in gauze on the stye. (...)
The Blessed Virgin Mary
March 12, 2017
As mother, I ask you observe, as part of your diet for life, the daily need to ingest VITAMIN C (11), to ingest RAW GARLIC (9) or GINGER (8) daily.
(11) Vitamin C It is a water-soluble vitamin. It is necessary for normal growth and development. Water-soluble vitamins dissolve in water. The surplus amounts of vitamin leave the body through its urine. That means a person needs a constant supply of such vitamins in his or her diet. Vitamin C is needed for the growth and reparation of tissues in all parts of the body.
(10) Garlic (Allium sativum)
(9) Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
March 12, 2017
After the message from the blessed Mother on June 3, 2016, Luz de María had a vision in which she was given the following indications as natural remedies for the illnesses that are approaching.
“Suddenly, our Mother raises Her other Hand and I see human creatures sick with great plagues; I see a healthy person approach a sick one and is immediately infected…
Our Mother told me that true plagues will come and that we should ingest a raw clove of garlic (10) every morning, or oil of oregano (8); these two are excellent antibiotics. If oil of oregano is not available, oregano can be boiled to make an infusion; however, the OIL OF OREGANO (8) is a better antibiotic.”
(8) Oregano (Origanum vulgare) Contains Vitamins A, B group, C and E and minerals: magnesium, zinc, iron, potassium and calcium. Very powerful antibiotic, with antiinflammatory action, heals cough, eliminates viruses such as flu, stimulates immune system. Eliminates bacteria, fungi, staphylococci, candida albicans, E. coli, salmonella, ringworm, vaginal infections, etc.) and even the most powerful bacteria. Prevents development of intestinal parasites. Immune system: take 1 to 3 daily drops. Infections and fungi: wash and dry each nail, apply oil in the affected area twice a day. Take 3 drops diluted in a glass of water, 3 times a day. Purify and clean the air: add 10 drops in water and spray to kill bacteria. (...)
The Blessed Virgin Mary
January 28, 2016
Use mullein (7) and rosemary (6) in discreet amounts.
(7) Mullein (Verbascum thapsus) also named as Verbascum, Sirius of Our Lady. Costa Rica´s National Medicine Information Center mentions flowers, and sometimes leaves, stems and roots are used. There are no specific indications, but traditional indications.: Systemic heal of sore throat associated to cough and colds. It has expectorant, cough suppressant properties, useful to treat sore throat. Activity against the following virus has been described: Type I simple herpes and A and B influenza. Used in infusion, decoction or cold maceration; maceration is used for emollient ointments. Recommended dose 3-4 grams per day. Tea: add 2 teaspoons of dried leaves and flowers in a cup of hot water, leave to rest for 10 to 15 minutes, strain and drink. Consume 3 cups of tea per day. Tea can be ingested for relaxations. Take mullein after meals. (...)
(6) Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) Produces a favorable effect on digestion, eliminates spasms, reduces gases, colic and flatulence, favours secrections and stimulates gastric and intestinal juices. Topic use on skin to control pain due to arthritis, rheumatism and circulation. Adults: 2g/150 ml, 2-3 times per day. Leaves infusion: add 1 teaspoon dried and shredded leaves in a cup of boiling water for 10 minutes. Filter it and take 2 to 3 times a day, after meals as digestive and to treat colds, headaches and even depression. (...)
The Blessed Virgin Mary
January 31, 2015
Another disease is spreading affecting the respiratory system; it is highly contagious. Have holy water; use the WHITE HAWTHORN (5) and the ECHINACEA (4) plant to fight it.
(5) White Hawthorn (Randia aculeata. Randia karstenii) also White Indigo Berry. Green fruits are used against diarrhea and mucous leukorrhea. Heart failure: abnormal heart rhythm, tachycardia, arrhythmias. Prevention of angina pectoris, postinfarction recovery. Sedative. Used to treat nervousness or anxiety symptoms. Administer after meals. Heart failure: 160-900 mg daily, divided in 2-3 doses. Infusion is recommended for an unknown disease that will cause high fever, purple blackened lips, spasmodic movements and strong jerks. Moisten a bunch of white hawthorn leaves in hot water for 8 minutes. Administer orally during day and night until symptoms decrease. (...)
(4) Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea) also Purple coneflower. Reduces cold symptoms (mucus, cough, fever) accelerates recovery; diminishes respiratory system diseases: sinusitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, etc.; block action from virus and bacteria; boosts immune system. Infusions: leaves and root´s dry extract are used. First day 5 cups, the amount of cups is reduced according to symptom reduction. Drops: 20 drops daily for 2 months, rest for 2 months. (...)
Our Blessed Virgin Mary
October 11, 2014
The Blessed Mother announced to me a disease that will attack the nervous and immune system causing serious problems on the skin, for which she told me to use the leaf of the nettle (3) and ginkgo (2) plants.
(3) Nettle (Urtica dioica L.) Digestion, constipation: Infusion 2 table spoons dry leaves for each liter of water. Take three times per day before every meal. At least 3 cups of juice of nettle should be taken per week, even better if you take a cup per day. It can also be used as compresses with the decoction of the plant or cataplasms applied directly to ulcers, skin rashes, and swelling. (...)
(2) Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba L.) also Maidenhair tree. Protects the brain from senile dementia, stroke and neurodegenerative diseases. Cognitive benefits: Improved thinking, Improved memory, Better social behavior. Take three (3) times per day for a total of 120 mg of extract per day. (...)
Lord Jesus Christ
JANUARY 4, 2018
My people, i see beyond, and the disease that is approaching humanity will find a cure with the plant artemisia annua l. (1) On the skin.
The Blessed Virgin Mary
October 11, 2014
"The pestilence is renewed by those who serve the antichrist and watch as the economy succumbs. Before this, I invite you, children, to resort to the health of the body by means of what nature provides for the good of the body in the face of the current disease: The use of Artemisia annua L. (1)"
(1) Artemisia (Artemisia annua L.) also sweet wormwood, sweet annie, sweet sagewort, annual mugwort or annual wormwood. To kill the malaria parasite (Plasmodium), to improve cases of psoriasis and leukemia. It has anti-microbial activity. Boosts the immune system against Ebola, fever, hepatitis B and C, HIV, and hypertension. It acts as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and immunosuppressive. Infusion: 4 infusions per day for a week or one per day as preventive medicine. Add 5 to 10 gr of the dry plant to 500 ml of boiling water. Let stand for 10 minutes before straining. (...)
October 13, 2014
Beloved, as a Mother who sees beyond what you see, I ask you to eat THE BLACKBERRY/RASPBERRY. It is a natural blood purifier and this will help the organism become more resistant to the maladies that humanity will suffer. You ignore that a great part of the virus and bacteria that plague you, have been created by man himself as a result of the power over all humanity.
October 13, 2014
HUMANITY HAS COMFORTABLE FEEDING HABITS BUT WHICH ARE TOTALLY HARMFUL FOR THE HUMAN ORGANISM, AND CONTINUALLY DESTROYS AND MAKES SICK. In this instant man’s organism is saturated by bad eating habits, making it a weakening organism and the new diseases causes man a lot of harm.
Light of Mary asks our Mother what must we do to make the organism more resistant against the plagues that are coming.
The Blessed Mother responds: “My beloved, utilize water that has been previously boiled and start NOW the detox of the organism drinking as much water as possible, so the organism will start to purify.”
October 27, 2014
I do not abandon you. Do not forget to keep in your homes the blessed grape in My Name for the instants of shortage.
Christ indicates to us that we must seek a priest and ask him for the blessing of a cluster of grapes or for one single grape, since one blessed grape can feed two people and thus help them survive without food, if they have Faith and they are properly prepared; this will help for the times of food shortage.
To bless the rest of the grapes:
With the grape already blessed by a priest, proceed to bless the rest in the following way:
Each grape must have a piece of the stem that joins the cluster, therefore it is recommended to cut the grapes with scissors. The rest of the grapes should be blessed with the blessed grape, one by one, saying: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, amen,” while rubbing the blessed grape being used to bless the others against the other grapes.
Then sterilized jars are used to hold the grapes that are blessed (fill ¾ of the jar with grapes) and then wine or brandy is added to each jar; no other liquor is to be used. The jar is sealed and the grapes are preserved there as long as needed, until they are consumed. From these already blessed grapes, one can share with one’s brothers and sisters, as the grapes already carry the blessing and so others can prepare their own blessed grapes.
Fifteen years ago, Christ had requested for us to bless grapes and they are still in good condition.
Luz De Maria
April 22, 2010
Christ and the Blessed Mother have told me that if we bless the food that is contaminated – of course always maintaining much faith – it will not cause us harm.
Heaven does not desert Its faithful children, so It has given recommendations to face the contamination of food, especially for those who live in places where the majority of food is contaminated.
November 2012
Beloved daughter, a spoonful of honey and some nuts will be enough food for the survival of the body, these will provide what is necessary for all the organs to function properly. Mention this to My children so it is a blessing for them in moments of famine.
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