Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Thursday, March 22, 2007

Jesus speaks to the RTL television team in Goeritz/Wigratzbad through His tool Anne.


Jesus Christ, I beg You, speak Your truth from Me. You wish that I proclaim Your truth and that Your truths be spread in the world. I beg you to speak from me now. I, your tool, put Me at your disposal. You often say that I am your little nothing. Take from My heart all that is of Me and work in Me.

Jesus now says: My beloved children, as I already see, you have knelt before the great Godhead. You are My children and I desire that you spread My word in the world, that you, My little ones, say these words which are not from you but only from Me, which contain My truths. You are My little nothing. I, Jesus Christ, am speaking out of you now, you My little humble, obedient and willing instrument Anne.

You, My beloved children, have hastened to this holy place, to this sacred place, that you may hear My word, that you may receive My wishes. I will let a great love flow into your hearts, because I am Jesus Christ, your God and Creator. I love you boundlessly. This Divine Love will also flow into your hearts through My Heavenly Mother.

My Heavenly Mother will always have the holy guardian angels around you, who guard and protect you from all evil forces. You will become strong and you will lose all human fears, because only divinity will then be in you and work through you. You are there to save souls. Place yourselves at my disposal again and again. Spread my truths because many people wait with longing for my coming.

Yes, My children, very soon the time will come that I will appear in great power and glory with My Heavenly Mother. All people will see this. Yes, I will show men their sins beforehand in the soul-gaze, because I want all to repent. I want to press everyone to my heart. I died for everyone. This suffering of redemption applies to all. How much I wish that all return to Me, that all turn back. In many places My Heavenly Mother cries. Her tears also flowed at this place of prayer Heroldsbach. It is the truth, My children. Believe and trust!

Turn to your Heavenly Father. He is waiting for you and wants to take you in his arms. Be ready! Show your willingness and availability. Practises whole-character input. Give yourselves entirely to the Heavenly Father. He is always waiting for you.

Yes, many people today lie in falsehood. They do not know their way. But I am here and will guide, direct, guide and bless you. The Triune God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit blesses you. Amen.


