Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Wednesday, March 28, 2007

In the afternoon.

Jesus speaks during the retreat in Wigratzbad from March 26-29, 2007 about His Holy Eucharist through His instrument Anne.


Jesus says: I have worked miracles so that you may recognize in them that I am the Son of God, the Messiah whom the Father sent. Go to the Heavenly Father so that you too may be sent to proclaim My words. These words will enter your hearts, you who believe, because My words, which I speak through My chosen ones, will touch people so that these believers feel that I, Jesus Christ, come to people and speak to them personally. This inner happiness to be touched cannot be compared with earthly joys. I, Jesus Christ, come so close to people today through My available messengers that these people will be saved, because your Jesus wants to animate many chosen ones to stand by Me and want to save souls.

How many people are near the abyss and yet, they will be ready to repent if you persevere in prayer, sacrifice and atonement. When the Heavenly Power overpowers you, special powers become effective within you. No one in the world can replace this source of power. People take many substitute drugs and seek their happiness in these. The true happiness and the key to true happiness is My sanctum sanctorum. Nothing else can bring you to true life.

Take every opportunity and come to My places of prayer, there is My house of worship. There I am at home, there I am and call for you. Do not forget me in the hurly-burly of time. Involve Me in your daily life. It shall be the most natural thing to be with me in your thoughts and deeds. I am your Creator and without Me you can do nothing. Nothing becomes fruitful without Me.

When I fall into oblivion, as I do today, disorder, illness and other evils arise everywhere. Man must be fed from my midst, then there is an earthly success on which my blessing rests. The people who live according to my commandments live as role models and true life succeeds.


