Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Rose Queen of Heroldsbach speaks in the hollow around about

11.00 by your tool and daughter Anne.


At that moment the Blessed Mother appeared in the sky as the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach. She looks at us sadly but lovingly. It is surrounded by a bright shine. Now the Holy Archangel Michael has appeared. He strikes his sword in all directions. How majestically he stands there. Stand with us in this struggle. Wield your sword and keep all evil from us.

A great host of angels followed him. Our Lady also appeared as Rosa Mystica and Fatima Madonna. Blessed Mother, you can share. How beautiful is your face. How grateful she is, grateful to us, your children of Mary. Here comes St. Joseph and the Holy Spirit is now hovering over the Blessed Mother, over Her crown. It has an open crown. The golden, the white and the red rose shine. Oh how beautiful you are, dear Mother of God. Spread out your coat, underneath we are safe and secure.

Blessed Mother grant that Your intervention may take place here and that Your little instrument, which is Me, may speak to give strength to these believers, strength on this path of persecution. You know, Mother of God, how it looks in me, how Jesus, your Son, suffers in My heart. He is again beaten to the cross and His side wound, the wound from which the church was born, bleeds. The blood drips onto this earth. I see it again. My God, Mother of God, how must You suffer, suffer for the people who disfigure Your place of prayer. That they want to trample down.

But we continue to pray for these enemies. Help them! Let Your Divine Love flow into them and touch them with the Holy Spirit. My God, they cannot go astray and fall into eternal damnation. I have asked You for the atonement and now I have received it to make atonement for this leader who would otherwise be lost. I am ready to take the cross upon myself. Jesus wants to save him from eternal damnation, because every single soul is important and precious to Him. He goes to the cross again and nothing becomes too much for Him.

The suffering of the Redeemer we suffer with. The Blessed Mother is the Coredemptrix and we are Her children. And as Coredemptrix she gathers your children around her and hides them under her protective cloak. And the little baby Jesus, who has appeared here, will work miracles. We sing now: Dear Jesulein, I love you so much - three times.

Jesus says: Take up your cross and follow Me, because you are My beloved ones.

I am ready, dearest Blessed Mother, to receive Your words. Though I have the sorrow of atonement, thy words shall reach to the ends of the earth. You have received the commission from Heavenly Father. And I will willingly fulfill this mission. I would so much like to go to heaven with the dear Blessed Mother. Our Lady's suffering is so great that we cannot measure it. She suffers with her son, who is still being crucified here today. One does not pay attention to his wounds. One does not practice reverence in any way. When the police come, Jesus Christ, your Son, will be dragged again to the judgment of Pilate. But he is silent, he is silent, because the great suffering of nothingness comes to him. The entire redemption suffering was to be for the whole world, but the world did not recognize him. And not even today. Today they bring him to court again and condemn him because he is love and let this love flow deep into our hearts. And so today we have come to the hollow to receive Your words, dear Blessed Mother.

Our Lady speaks now: I, Our Lady, speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is completely in the will of the Heavenly Father and speaks only words that come from Me.

Beloved children, beloved children of Mary, beloved children of the Father, you have followed the plan of the Heavenly Father. For this I thank you here in the hollow where I promised to come and give you this information. I am your mother. Could a mother ever leave you alone in your greatest suffering? No! Heavenly Mother loves you much, much more than you can ever imagine. She ranks you all under her protective cloak. She wants you to be safe in this place. She will never leave you alone.

Beloved children, I tell you once again, take your cross on your shoulders and follow My Son Jesus Christ. Why, My beloved ones? Because the time has come when the Heavenly Father has raised His arm of wrath and will make it sink. But you are protected and loved from eternity. Can you measure this, My beloved children, that you have been chosen out of many and here now are called to continue to carry this Catholic good into the world through the new publication of the book? Each of you can spread it, because it is important. The words of the Heavenly Father reach to the ends of the earth. And your mother begs for you at the throne of the Heavenly Father day and night. Day and night I kneel before the throne of the Father, so that you may bear your sorrows. Continue to read the messages of the Heavenly Father at all times. You are strengthened by this.

Here you stand in the struggle between good and evil. The evil one wants to pull you on his side. But where do you stand? On the right side with your mother under her protective coat. The evil one has no power over you. Do not be fearful, but obedient. Accept your cross willingly and in love. Hurry out of these modernist churches. Found house churches in your homes so that many, many people will find a place of refuge when the great event comes. All of you are to remain in prayer with one accord. Love one another as My Son Jesus Christ loves you. Do not give up! Even if it becomes so difficult that you cannot even understand it. Believe that your father knows everything. He will not demand more from you than you can carry.

But you, My little one, have had to endure much suffering and will continue to endure suffering because your Heavenly Father wills it so. The priesthood has suffered, it still has to be founded. Therefore Mellatz is the place, the place of the father, his house, not your house. He dwells therein and He guides you in everything. He will help you. Trust in it! Trust in His Love, the Divine Love. Divine power emanates from this hollow. It penetrates into your hearts and it gives you the strength to endure, to endure, to persevere and to continue courageously in this recent crisis.

You must not give up. Even if you think the evil one has the power. The Heavenly Father is above all. Couldn't He order the police away from this place with a wave of His hand? Yes, he could. And why does He not? Because He loves you. Because you are on his side and are the fighters and warriors for him, for the kingdom of heaven. You are responsible for many, many sons of priests who are standing at the abyss, who do not want to believe, who do not want to love, and who disgrace the Blessed Sacrament of My Son as it happened here.

Did my son not suffer? Should you not leave this place of prayer? Have you been banned from the house? Does that apply to you, my beloved ones? No! You must persevere. You have to look forward and not go backwards. Everything that happens to you is in the will and plan of the Heavenly Father. The protection is certain for you in everything. I tell you, as Heavenly Mother, fulfill the plan of the Heavenly Father completely, not just a part. Can your Heavenly Father not keep everything from you? Whatever mistakes you make, the Heavenly Father corrects. Believe that He has omnipotence and omnipotence. You are under the protection of the Heavenly Father. Has He not spread out His hand of blessing over you? You will feel it in your hearts. You will be strengthened by these grievances here. You will not weaken. No! The more attacks, the more failures, the more power, the more Divine Power you get. You stand in divine power and confidence. Believe in it! This is the truth and this is the truth you are spreading.

Give the Book of Heavenly Truth into the hands of everyone. It is important, My beloved ones. Do not be afraid! Whether one accepts it or not, the Heavenly Father watches over it. These business cards of the Heavenly Father are spread all over the world. The 900 edition will soon be out of print and a new edition will be necessary. The second book of the first half of 2013 is already in print. It will be released soon. Read it! Read it and spread it around. This is my truth. Never will another messenger be ready to give these words of truth into the world. This is why Heavenly Father has chosen this publishing house to print, publish and send these messages. Believe in it! He stands above everything. He will work miracles of grace.

At the moment I see the Heavenly Mother. Her face shines like the sun. She has shed her sadness. She looks after her children. She thanks us and she loves us immeasurably. Thank you, dearest Mother, we are Your children of Mary and want to remain so. Even in the greatest struggle, when we are despised, when we are persecuted, we are Your followers, Your loved ones, whom You will protect from all evil. And we will not slacken in our willingness to say our full yes in this place of the hollow. Please give this Yes loud and clear to Heavenly Father: Yes, Father! Now you have made this promise. The Heavenly Father is serious. He presses you to His loving Father-heart and is grateful that you are His beloved children who do not want to give up, who keep on progressing, every step upwards to Mount Golgotha. We walk up the Calvary to the top. Just as Jesus Christ has preceded us on this path, so shall we do and love our enemies and pray for them, especially for these enemies here in Heroldsbach who persecute us. Let us speak an 'Our Father' and a 'Hail Mary' for our enemies, so that they do not go astray and also feel this impulse in their hearts to want to repent. Amen.

Our Lady continues: Your dearest Mother now blesses you, with all the angels and saints in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Go and go in peace, My beloved children.

Praise and blessed be Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar without end. Amen.


