Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Our Lady speaks on Fatima and Rosa Mysticism Day after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V.

in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz by your tool and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The altar of Mary was, as always on every Day of Atonement in Heroldsbach, very brightly flooded with glistening light.

Our Lady will speak: I, your Heavenly Mother, your Queen of Roses, speak now through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in the will of the Heavenly Father and repeats only His words, today the words that come from Me, your dearest Mother.

Beloved little flock, beloved followers, beloved pilgrims from near and far, especially in Heroldsbach, you My beloved ones have taken upon yourselves these troubles to travel there to My place of grace to receive these graces in the hollow.

My beloved pilgrims, My beloved followers, how happy I was with you that you appeared again in such great numbers. Yes, you know what happens in this hollow in Heroldsbach. Your dearest mother comes to you. She is with you. You feel it deep in your hearts. This community makes you strong. There you will not be followed. No! Your dearest mother strengthens you more and more each time. You will feel that you can pass on these graces on your way home. It is not just one day that you have received this love there, but you can pass it on constantly. Your heart sparkles with love.

The community counts, My beloved ones. All among you are of one mind. You can exchange, because love carries you. You knew that your dearest mother would come back to you. It is there, it is in Heroldsbach, even if everything is different there as before. My beloved little flock would also like to return to this place of grace of their dearest mother, their Queen of Roses, but they are not allowed to travel there because of the prohibition. It is difficult for them to keep to this, because they have been unjustly expelled. You can hardly overcome it.

Once a month is the big day from the 12th to the 13th. You may all rejoice. The holy sacrificial mass there in the hollow is something special. What great joy will enter your hearts when you are allowed to attend this mass of sacrifice. It is a gift. These people who organize everything have made it possible for you to experience this Holy Mass of Sacrifice once a month to experience this deep happiness. It is not self-evident, My beloved little ones. To all those who have worked there to make all this possible for you, I would like to express my special thanks and say a heartfelt thank you to God.

Yes, My beloved ones, you will be strengthened. Love should continue to radiate. Your hearts shall be filled. You will feel that for a long time this overflowing love will be in your hearts. You have to endure much in illness and toil. These are sufferings that the Heavenly Father desires. For as you know, many priests have not yet turned back. They are still in modernism. They still want to take the easier way and are afraid that something might be taken from them, namely power. You, My beloved children, have left the worldly behind you. It is important for you to come to your dearest mother and feel the supernature. Heaven and earth join together in this hollow. You feel it and you are grateful. In wind and rain you will go there, for you know that your Rose Queen is waiting for you. You do not want to leave me alone. As Heavenly Mother and Queen of Roses, I have had to endure a lot of pain during the many years I spent there - and still do today.

This place Heroldsbach is a great place of pilgrimage in Germany. It has not yet been understood, but the Heavenly Father will direct and guide everything according to His will and plan. It will all come true, even if you cannot fathom anything yet. You can hardly understand why things cannot continue like this, and yet you must look to the future. Has not your Heavenly Father always promised you that all will be well, that it will continue there through your sacrifices and through your atonement? You have survived the night of atonement. It is not easy for you, but it bears fruit. The more sacrifices you make, the richer the fruit will be among these priests who refuse to believe. The Heavenly Father will touch many priests because I am the Queen of Priests and I will not stop asking the Heavenly Father to finally appoint holy priests. In modernism there is no holy priest. They are addicted to the world and live in the world. They have separated the supernature. They do not exist for them and yet they will experience miracles and see your deeds.

Your patience, love and perseverance will radiate to others. They will become attentive and ask themselves: "Where does this small flock and this following get their courage from? They cannot understand that you are so strong and bear everything in patience: your diseases, often serious diseases. You do not rebel, for you know that your Heavenly Father needs you as instruments with your suffering. Through your suffering you can save especially many priests if you accept this suffering and illness. That brings blessings. Many of you have already taken on serious illnesses and do not desire to be there, but are grateful to be there for the Heavenly Father. It is He who strengthens them in Divine Love.

And so you will continue to grow stronger through the failures. Do not think that you have to experience success. No! Be grateful for the failures. Even if you do not understand many things, you will see that it goes on. There will be many events where you will ask yourself, "How is this possible? Providence has worked. Yes, My beloved ones, faithful to Providence, you continue on Calvary to Mount Golgotha. You ascend ever higher on the path of sanctity. You do not stop, but you go on and do not complain. Love urges you.

And so, today your dearest Mother, the Rosic Queen of Heroldsbach, the Fatima Mother of God and Rosa-Mystica bless you with a burning heart and in all love. She also blesses you for the future with all the angels and saints in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Stay strong, My beloved ones! I will guide and shape you. Your dearest mother will never leave you alone. Amen.


