Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, June 4, 2022
The Angel is already sounding the gathering of God's children!
Message from Our Lady to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 01-06-2022 - 4:23 p.m. (locution at the hill)
The Angel already sounds the gathering of God's children!
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit I bless you, My children.
I am here in your midst, ...I bring you Jesus on My arms.
My children, shortly you will see Him in this Grotto, you will see the door suddenly open wide, you will see a great light and you will see the Little Child, in swaddling clothes, in the Cradle. He will manifest Himself in all His Glory and Power.
Poor men, oh you who set yourselves against your Creator God will catapult into Gehenna.
My beloved children, you who follow Me with so much love and listen to the Word of My Son Jesus to be His Image and Likeness, in truth of I say, all things shall be given to you in the wonders of the new world.
God has prepared for His children a life in happiness and eternal love: His pastures are delightful, ... there will never be a lack of the Fountain of Living Water where His children can drink to live eternity in His own Glory.
Beloved My children, this world is falling apart, ... Heaven still weeps tears of blood, ... there are no conversions, men continue to follow the things of the world forgetting that they are God's creatures and to God they must return. The God of Eternal Love is waiting for His children to give them of Himself. He is waiting for them all in the new home, in the new earth where delicious fruits, lush meadows, flowers of various kinds, will bow down to you as to the Creator God because you will enter there in the true Image and Likeness of your Creator God.
My children, have the complacency of conversion, the time is over, ... there are only a few moments left to close this time, definitively.
May God's Word be received by all men, ... penetrate into the hearts of every one of His children.
The hour, shortly to come will be grave, the time will come terrible in the eyes of men.
Lift up your hearts to God, walk toward Him My children, look no more to the right or to the left, turn no more back but continue your way to the high mountain where God is waiting to shower you with His infinite gifts of love.
Unite in one strength, give yourselves in this mission with all your hearts, soon you will be called, ... you will be warned by My prophets to shelter you in My shelters! ... everything is ready, the last stroke of the clock is about to strike, ... the Angel is already sounding the gathering of God's children!
Go ahead! Pray for the souls far from God that they may be saved. Amen
Go forth with power, My children, God is with you! God is already on earth and blesses you greatly.
Blessed are those who have heard and put into practice the Word of God with all their love.
I join My hands to your hands, everything is imminent My children, ... the hour is grave! ... Very grave!
Pray! Pray! Pray!
Source: ➥