Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, December 3, 2022
My Son Is the Love – Who Came into This World
Message from Mary Mother of Triumph and Victory to Frank Möller in Reken, Germany on Heart of Mary Saturday

Mary Mother of Triumph and Victory (03/12/2022 Sacred Heart Saturday):
"God came into this world.
Come to Me - I will bring you to Him from whom you come.
God loves you and He expects you to do the same. You are free.
Listen to the advice of the saints, His elect, who know Him because they love. Love and you will receive the grace to know Him.
My Son is the love - who came into this world. His love reached out to the people who walked the path of life before you.
His word is the light and the life. It shines in the darkness, it saves the one who believes, it gives support and comfort.
My Son is the light you need.
Love Him, He loves you!
Love the life He gave you!
Love and you are beautiful!
I love My children, that is you!
Announce to be Mine!
I bless My children.
Bear peace and give it to the despondent!"
There will be no bigger and better news!
It is actual and this message holds the perfect happiness for everyone. Still the same, in simplicity and silence He waits!
Source: ➥