Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, December 28, 2022
I Ask You Again for Prayer, Pray Children Pray
Message from Our Lady to Simona in Zaro di Ischia, Italy of December 26, 2022

I saw Mama, She was all dressed in white, on Her head a thin veil quilted with golden dots and a crown of twelve stars; a wide white mantle covered Her shoulders and reached all the way down to Her feet, which barefoot rested on the world. Under the tightly wrapped mantle, Mama had baby Jesus in swaddling clothes sleeping blissfully.
Praised be Jesus Christ
Behold children, I come to show you the way, the way that leads to the Lord, the only true way, My children in silence we worship the Light of the world. My children, teach the children to pray, teach them the true value of Christmas, teach them the coming of the Lord, His immense love. My children, pray and make them pray, lower your self and raise God. When you pray children, do not get lost behind a thousand empty words, pray with your heart, pray with love. My children, learn to pause before the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, My children there My living and true Son awaits you. I love you children and I ask you again for prayer, pray children pray.
Now I give you My holy blessing.
Thank you for flocking to Me.