Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, January 13, 2023
Take the Example of Our Son and Your Brother Benedict
Message of Our Lady to Valeria Copponi in Rome, Italy on January 11, 2023

My dearest children, I want to assure you that you have another Father who prays to Jesus for all of you, your holy Father Benedict. He now knows each of you and intercedes for those who especially need supplications and prayers to Jesus the most.
We love our son Benedict and for this pray to him you all, since he intercedes for each of you. You have a Father in Heaven, a Father who loves, in the true sense of the word, all of you.
Soon each of you, if deserving, will return to us and through Benedict you will need less time to serve for your sins.
He prays to Jesus so much that My Son is releasing so many souls from purgatory through the prayers of your most blessed Benedict.
Jesus loves His children who love so much that they offer their lives for their most needy brothers and sisters. Take the example of our son and your brother Benedict, pray to him since he can liberate so much humanity by his interventions before God.
My beloved children, I want each of My children to return to the Father, now all the more as the times are drawing to a close.
Your land has been stained by the most terrible sins and God will give you just a little more time to be able to recover so many souls of sinners. I commend you, pray for the youth, the priests and all our unbelieving children.
I bless you and will listen to your requests.
I bless you,
Your Heavenly Mother.
Source: ➥