Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, February 19, 2023
Italy, My Italy, come back to Me!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on February 18, 2023

Beloved children, firmly believe in Him Who created you with so much Love to be Love in Love.
His Charity in you is great; He loves you infinitely and asks your consent to deliver you from the claws of the Devil and give you salvation.
The Divine Savior today calls you to vigilance: ... do not be lost O men! Stay in the wake of your God Love.
Satan is like a roaring lion prowling around you; he awaits your fall to snatch your soul: he deludes you, makes you swagger, encircles you in his deadly trap, beware!
A deceitful game is afoot, Satan tries his last card to snatch you from Me.
Be vigilant! Pray and fast, the things of the world end, only in Me will you have life in abundance and in the eternal happiness of My All for you. My beloved children, verily I say to you, here I am to you, I am your King, your Divine Savior, your Only Good, listen to My voice, direct your steps to Me! I am the Way, the Truth and the Life : whoever is with Me will not be lost!
Evening has come My children, ... in the silence of the night a roar will go through the heavens, the earth will shake, many men will weep!
Italy, My Italy, return to Me!
Join your hands in prayer, O My people, supplicate My Mercy, repent of your sins that I may intervene to heal your sins.
I am disappointed in your betrayals, O man, I am exhausted with grief. I loved you and loved you and loved you! I gave all of Myself for you, and you return this love of Mine with indifference and repudiation. Poor men, poor children of Mine, the god you are following in My place has mocked you, has increased My pain! I am losing you!
You don't want to listen to Me, you prefer to listen to the roar of the devil instead of the gentle sound of My voice, My call of love. I am weary! Torn with pain! But, I will not lose you, I will forge you like gold at the crucible, I will enable you to return to Me.
I will save you through suffering, for only then will you finally lift your eyes to Heaven for help.
Terrible days are coming for this Humanity!
Again and again and again God has cried out for conversion for the salvation of His people.
Oh My people, ungrateful people, what evil have I done to you?
Return to your God, O man! Return to your Creator! Urge your conversion now!!! Repent, O men, repent of your sins and shout God's mercy upon you! It is getting late!
Source: ➥