Messages from Diverse Sources


Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Jesus the Good Shepherd

Message of Our Lord to Valeria Copponi in Rome, Italy on February 22, 2023


It is I, your Jesus, for you have suffering in your heart, you know well that I never leave you, be strong for in these last times, you will be tempted more than ever.

Pray - pray - pray to your Mother, invoke Her often for, She, is nearer to you than ever. You know well that these are the last times and the other if you allow him to do so will take advantage of your weaknesses.

Pray and make them pray for only prayer will console you in the most difficult times. I am with you, I have been Son and I understand, when someone who is not good and charitable to you, how lonely you feel.

Pray since, My Father, is always ready to give you what you need. The times you are living are difficult, for your fellow human beings who should behave as brothers have become your enemies.

You know well what you must do not to fall into temptation; ask your Mother for help and consolation and She will be close to you.

Dear children, so many of your brothers behave with you as enemies but you need not fear for your Father and your Heavenly Mother will never leave you alone. Pray and your heart will rejoice with Us.

My children, I repeat to you, prayer, be on your lips unceasingly. We love you and bless you, always be humble and good to all your brothers and sisters.

Jesus the Good Shepherd.

Source: ➥