Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, May 17, 2023
Everything Is About to Be Renewed!
Message from Our Lady Queen to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy of May 10, 2023

Most Holy Mary: Here I am, I am here in your midst, coming to embrace you all to Me.
My children, I come to give you the gifts of the Holy Spirit and bring you to the heavenly dimension, where love, peace and joy you will have forever.
Jesus is ready for His Manifestation: soon you will see Him in His Human Form!
He will manifest Himself in Heaven and everyone will see Him! Yes, everyone will see Him!!!
The Universe will rejoice, ...on Earth His Children will cry out to Him infinite love.
Jesus is the only God of salvation: there are no other gods on Earth and in the whole Universe that can equal Him, ...absolutely not!!!!! God is One! The One and only true God!!!
My children, everything is about to be renewed, Heaven is about to unite with Earth! Evil will be swept away forever and light will be on Earth. The Universe will rejoice.
God is in a hurry to intervene: He wants all His Children with Himself, He desires to enjoy them eternally, He, created them to be "His" and "His" they will be forever, He will take them back into Himself.
Jesus: ahead My children, I am in your midst, together with My Blessed Mother, I manifest My joy in seeing you here: be one heart and one soul to be part of Me. Love each other My children, respect each other! I see from the height of My Heaven, and verily I say unto you, your hearts are pure, your minds are turned to Heaven and your being is in My hands to be transformed to new life, you shall be in the Image and Likeness of Me.
Oh! ... how good it is to see you here on this Sacred Hill where I will have the joy of showing you My Beauties, showing the world that all is truth!
The Earth will be shaken from Evil, Light will reign!
In this place everything will open in Heavenly Love, this cave will be new, you will see it studded with precious gems and diamonds, ... it will be full of Light!!!
My Children will place their bare feet in this transformed cave: here they will embrace their Creator God and together with Him they will ascend to the high heavenly heights where another world, another dimension awaits them to live a new life in eternal love and happiness.
My children, suddenly the situation will change, you will see despair in your brothers : in those who did not want to embrace the Word of God! Such have not wanted to return to their Creator God! Many have even turned against God and "still" fight Him, harass Him daily with their horrible sins! ... Horrible sins!
My children, advance with the Rosary in your hand and with love in your heart; love and worship your Lord Jesus Christ always! Call your Father in Heaven to your help, and beseech the Holy Spirit to enfold you to Himself with His gifts. Most Holy Mary will soon enter your homes: ...Her Children will cry out to Her love and embrace Her, and ask for Her Help and Blessing.
All those who have turned away from God -because they were wavering in their doubt ... behold they will be converted. They will ask the Blessed Mother for help to come to true conversion, and return to her Son Jesus pure and spotless in love.
The world will be transformed: a new generation will come!
Everything will change in appearance! You will feel your hearts beating with love: ...they will leap in love to Me.
Here am I My children,
I am your God Love! I am Infinite Truth! I am the Son of God and I am God Himself, ...embraced by the Holy Spirit and Mary Most Holy, She who begat Me. Do works of charity My children, share everything in love to Me; I am the One who will give you everything: in My All I will delight you with everything that belongs to Me, you will be happy forever, precious in My eyes! I will take you with Me: you will see with My eyes, you will walk with My feet, you will be My hands stretched out to those who have failed to appreciate My appeals, My suggestions for conversion.
Come on My children, My brothers, I love you with all of Myself, I have given My Life for you; today I come to you again to free you from the chains of Satan: let me anticipate this My return with your prayers; supplicate My anticipated victorious and glorious return. Amen.
The Most Holy Trinity, today blesses you and exhorts you to be pure and spotless in love: In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Source: ➥