Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, June 4, 2023
The Time of Sorrows Has Come!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy of May 31, 2023

П: My daughter, it is the Father who speaks to you, listen and transmit to My beloved People:
behold, the time of sorrows has come! Man has turned away from his Creator, he prefers to worship the idols of this world: be it! I leave you to your choices My children: I will not be able to relieve you of the pains you have sought.
Your human condition is in peril: you are embracing death ... but you do not want to become aware of it; you want to act on your own, you do not want My help, ... you will go to ruin! Beloved Children:
I see your pride growing inexorably; your life hangs by a thread that is about to break, but ... you still prefer sin. You close your eyes to your surroundings and stand in shameless expectation that everything will end and serenity will return.
You are wrong My children, you are wrong!
You are one step away from misfortune: suddenly you will find yourselves without anything, your hearts will go mad with grief!
Again I call you to listen to My appeals which, are nothing but a reminder to convert, to Salvation, only in Me will you have life My children! Only I, the Creator God, can change events! Only I can save you, allow Me to do so. You are destroying yourselves with your own hands: you do not want to repent, ... you no longer believe in Me. Poor Children!
The Earth is trembling in every corner, volcanoes are erupting, seas are rising, mountains are crumbling, prophecies are being fulfilled but you turn your backs on the Truth, you continue undeterred in your going to death. God wants to save you but you do not allow His help: your pride exceeds your intellect.
I still call you back to Me: convert, O men!
You have no more time: the decline will be sudden and you will find yourselves in despair and in death. Return now to your God, to your Savior, the only security is in Him! There is no God but Him who can deliver you from the chains of the Devil. Amen!
Source: ➥