Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, June 5, 2023
The Church has fallen into Satan's trap!
Message from Our Lady Queen to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy of June 2, 2023

Blessed Mary:
Blessed children, My Mantle envelops you, stand by My side united in constant prayer.
Jesus will soon manifest Himself in His Greatness and men will see Him:
many will beat their chests while... still others will reject Him. Beloved men, this appeal of Mine is for all of you who still do not want to repent.
My children,
far from the Word of God Love you are going to perdition : ... without any more values, nor esteem of yourselves, you walk like zombies. Blessed children, listen to My cry of love: ... convert!
Return to your One and Only True God, your Savior.
Terrible times are coming to this earth! Because of their horrible sins, men will be punished severely. Repent and return to your God! Beloved My children, you who listen to Me and are faithful to God's Commandments, you who yearn for the Things of God, know that soon you will be raptured and placed in a holy place where everything will be in the light of the Creator God.
The blood moon forewarns of the warning, the great catastrophe that will befall this Humanity unfaithful to its Creator. Jesus, He sends Me among you to give you help, but you reject Me, you insult Me; you mock the prophets through whom God sends you His salvation appeals. Men have sold themselves to Satan, they follow him, they fill themselves with his evil, they slaughter their brothers, they do not realize that they are being maneuvered by the infernal enemy. God shouts His vengeance!
This time will know His wrath!
Turn away from Evil Oh men, do not be foolish! Open your hearts to your Creator. Say "enough" to Satan, renounce his seductions: it is all false, ... it is the mirage that leads you to eternal death. A man in the desert cries out: ... He is the one who calls all men to conversion in the name of God.
Believe the Holy Gospel, purify yourselves My children: there is no time to lose!
the wind of death is blowing hard:
Satan is fierce, he knows his time is counted ... he knows he is losing the battle ... but he insists more strongly on dragging men to himself, to make them fall into his deadly trap. Heaven thunders its Vengeance! The Father cries out His Justice! Enough! Enough!
The clock is on its last chime! The accursed serpents are about to fall.
The Altar of God has been desecrated!
The Church has fallen into Satan's trap! Priests have been dazzled by his false lights of power. The enemy reigns... he leads the fools who dance in his wake, they are like puppets in his hands. My children, still you do not wake up???
Will you not listen to your Mother's cry of pain calling you to repentance!
The world is collapsing!
God is at His "Enough"!!!
Source: ➥