Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, June 10, 2023
Your Tender Mother
Message of Our Lady to Valeria Copponi in Rome, Italy on June 7, 2023

My dearest children, you invoke Me - pray for us sinners - but then soon after, you forget your request. I, however, continue to pray for you otherwise, the devil, would raid My little children.
Remember, My children, that without invoking Our Names, you would always be in Satanic clutches. You know, now with certainty, that the times you are living are the last and that if you do not entrust yourselves to Jesus and His Most Holy Father, you will be subject to Satan's power and hell will be your abode forever.
I pray for you, but you try not to turn away from Jesus with your sins. Pray and repent for all the times you forget God's Love.
The coming days will be more and more difficult and only by relying on Us can you repent of the evil you have done and ask for forgiveness. I try to guide you toward good but so many, too many of you, turn their backs on Me to do destructive works.
Peace among you will disappear and so the devil will find your evil hearts open to him. My children, you know very well that these are the last times, so try to live them in God's grace to merit eternal life.
I love you and will help you as long as you live on earth but you offer your hearts to Me. I bless you.
Your tender Mother.
Source: ➥