Messages from Diverse Sources


Saturday, June 17, 2023

Love One Another and Love My Commandments!

Apparition and Message of the King of Mercy on April 25, 2023 over the fountain Maria Annuntiata to Manuela in Sievernich, Germany


During the prayer of the Rosary in the House Jerusalem, before the apparition, several people perceive a strong scent of roses coming from the statue of Mary in the House Jerusalem. It is a fresh scent of roses, not comparable to rose oil or rose perfume. This rose scent can be perceived for over an hour.

I see a large golden ball of light floating above us. It is accompanied by two smaller balls of light. The beautiful light of the spheres of light shines down to us. The large sphere of light opens and the gracious infant Jesus in the form of Prague comes to us from this sphere of light. The King of Mercy wears a great golden crown and is clothed in a white and gold mantle embroidered with white lilies. Under the royal mantle, the divine child wears a white and gold robe. In His right hand, the King of Mercy carries a large golden scepter. In His left hand the gracious Child holds the Vulgate, the Holy Scripture. The King of Mercy wears short dark brown curly hair and has large blue eyes. Now the other two smaller balls of light open and two angels emerge from them. Both angels spread the mantle of the King of Mercy and we are now sheltered in it, as in a tent.

The King of Mercy speaks:

"In the name of the Father and of the Son - that is Me - and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Dear friends, pray very much! If you pray, the sooner you will have overcome error. Remain faithful to My Word, that the Word of the Holy Scripture is the Word of the Eternal Father. Remain faithful, steadfast and ask for reparation. What did St. Michael say to you?"

The King of Mercy is surrounded by a cloud of incense and then speaks:

"The incense is a gift from heaven.

My Church has the mission to proclaim My Word, to proclaim the Holy Scriptures, and to preserve and maintain them in honor. Look!"

The Holy Scripture opens in the hand of the King of Mercy. I see the Bible passage Mark 16, line 15.

The Lord looks urgently toward us and says:

"But you women also, pray for your families and pray for the Church! Look at Mary, My most holy mother! Look at Judith, how she was filled with prayer."

Now the Holy Scripture turns the page with the spoken words of the Divine Child:

"Judith 8, line 21 and following."

The King of Mercy takes His scepter to His heart and it becomes the aspergillum of His Precious Blood as it fills with His Precious Blood. The Heavenly King sprinkles us with His Precious Blood:

"In the name of the Father and of the Son - that is Me - and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

M.: "I want to ask You, Lord, especially for the sick and for all those whom I now commend to You. Especially our priests."

The King of Mercy approaches and speaks:

"I will strengthen My priests so that they will stand firm. So that they will not go astray. I am the way to the Eternal Father. Do not slacken in prayer! In all that happens: I will carry you through this time if you open your heart!

The Lord speaks to me confidentially about people who want to harm the Catholic Church very much.

M.: "Why Lord, is this hatred spread like this?

The King of Mercy looks at us and says:

"Christians, love one another! Just in the tribulation you will be tested whether you carry love in your hearts. Love, that is Me! Do not judge. Do not write inflammatory writings. Do not practice slander. All this is not from God. Do not let your heart be confused. Remain in love, remain in Me! Remember in all that comes now: I am with you! Do not be afraid! Do what I told you. What My Mother told you at Her apparition on earth. Do not be afraid! Dare to set out to save your countries, to free Germany from error, but remain in love. Look to My heart!"

I see the heart of the King of Mercy opening and rays coming to us from His heart. We are all immersed in these rays.

Insistently the Lord speaks, looking at us:

"Love one another and love My commandments! Do not allow evil to be spoken, for this is not from Me. For this is not from the Eternal Father. Love, this is My word to you! Do not let yourselves be confused. Do not let yourselves be taken out of love. Do not be separated from My teaching, the teaching of the Church, the Holy Catholic Church!"

M.: "I say serviam! I will lead Your children to You, Lord."

I hear people saying "Serviam" as well.

The King of Mercy desires the following prayer from us:

"O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell, lead all souls to heaven, especially those most in need of Your mercy. Amen."

M.: "Jesus, have mercy on us and on the whole world!"

The heavenly King goes back into the light with a "Adieu!" The angels also go back into the light. The balls of light disappear and left behind are the letters IHS in golden letters in the sky.

This message is announced without prejudice to the judgment of the church.

Copyright. ©

For the message, please consider the two biblical passages Mark 16, line 15 and Judith 8, line 21 ff.

Mark 16:15

Then he said to them: Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

Judith 8:21

For if we are overcome, then all Judea will also be conquered and our sanctuary will be plundered. But from us God will demand bloody account for the desecration of the sanctuary.


