Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, June 20, 2023
Marxism Has Taken Power over the World
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy of June 16, 2023

Beloved Children, it is God who speaks to you from the height of His Heaven and judges you!
Do not remain in sin, repent! Return to Me, My children: only in Me are the wonders of a true and happy life fulfilled. Your life is in Me, O men: I am the Father Creator, I created you to be Mine, to belong to Me, to be divine in Me, happy in Me. Abandon the world, My children, do not chase what will soon be gone forever; every old thing will pass away, will be burned by fire, the purification of the Earth will be total. Beloved My creatures, would you know how many good and beautiful things are waiting to be tasted by you!
Answer Me, O men,
be converted! Do not be foolish, turn away from sin, clothe yourselves with Divine Light. My people, men who believe in Me and keep My Laws, My Commandments, you are about to be taken from Above to be renewed in Spirit and Holiness.
Sound the horn for the gathering of the elect! A new generation will walk true to Me its Creator and enjoy all My Good.
Britain will be struck by the enemy: she will lose her strength. Marxism has taken power over the world; men will become slaves of a monstrous system. The fierce Dragon vomits his evil: he will devour everything he meets in his path. Prepare yourselves, O men, to see what your eyes never wanted to see.
Evil reigns over the whole Earth: put yourselves in a condition of salvation... confess your sins, renounce sin, My Children! You will soon be in My Presence! This Humanity will be judged by God the Creator: ...many will be forsaken because they will not want to acknowledge Me, their free will I will leave them. You are about to hear heavenly music coming from above: it will accompany the Blessed Virgin in Her radiant manifestation.
She will enter the houses of men, She will manifest Herself to give every Child a chance to be saved. The Mountain is about to thunder its voice: it will be the Father's last cry before the great Warning.
My children, oh you who still mock at the things that are happening in the world ... oh you who say, "Since the world began, these things have always happened!", verily I say to you, Satan has invested you with himself, he is managing your minds!
This is the hour of awakening, Oh men!
Be able to open your eyes! Say your "enough of sin"! Flee! ...Quickly turn away from the Lie. A painful fact will happen soon! May the Holy Trinity bless you.
Source: ➥